Wellbeing Matters

AUTISM: If Your Child Struggles To Make Friends

Two fun social groups (from home, on Zoom) have been created for children with Autism (aged 7-15) to help them to make friends.

Minecraft Groups for Autism

Wednesday afternoons or Saturday mornings via Zoom

These allow your child to enjoy hanging out together around something that is fun. Half their screen is Minecraft and the other half of the screen is Zoom (so we can all see each other and hear each other and be chatting about fun things while we play Minecraft).


Art/Craft Friendship Groups for Autism

Tuesday or Thursday afternoons via Zoom

Your child can do whatever artwork or craft they enjoy (drawing, knitting, computer art, painting, whatever they love) from the comfort of their own home, while they are chatting with other good-hearted kids on Zoom and just enjoying hanging out. It’s not about the art that your child chooses to do, but it is about just socialising and having fun together while we do our own art.


NDIS: Both groups match most children’s NDIS plans - because the goal is to build social skills and interpersonal skills.


Year 8 Wellbeing Day - Rescheduled!

Thursday 2 June - All Day

Our Year 8 students will have a range of fun, inspiring and interactive wellbeing workshops to help foster and enhance self-esteem, positive body-image and respectful relationships, run by SEED Workshops. SEED 'plant the seeds' and provide the tools for students to become critical consumers of advertising and media messaging, to foster healthy relationships with friends and peers, and to take the reins in their own lives. SEED Workshops uses a holistic approach, utilising a range of teaching techniques to help students THRIVE. 

Students may wear their sports uniform to schoolStudents to bring their pencil case (devices are not required)


Ms Dilek Yucel (Head of Wellbeing), Ms Rachel Felmingham (Mental Health Practitioner) & Mr Jack Crameri (Wellbeing and Careers Counsellor)
