Learning & Teaching



Years Prep to 2 

Today the students went to the Melbourne Zoo and had a wonderful time learning and exploring all things about animals. They learnt about how Living things’ have a variety of external features and live in different places where their basic needs, including food, water and shelter are met. The tour guides were able to provide a wealth of knowledge to deepen their understanding related to habitats and different environments adapted to the animals’ basic needs to both thrive and survive. 




Years 3/4

The students have been investigating the concept of ‘Matter’ and comparing and contrasting the different types with a focus on the properties of solids, liquids and gases. During this week the students will be conducting some experiments to be clever Scientists and learn how to efficiently  record data for Chemical Sciences. The focus for these experiments in particular, is to identify the effect temperature has on different substances and their state of matter.

They have also been watching the Solar Eclipse and how it turns to a blood moon. They are so excited about their upcoming excursion to Myuna Farm! Watch this space for some great photos of their day……. Coming soon! 

Years 5/6

The students have begun looking at their unit of work with a Provocation for both Cause and Effect. This stimulus picture of a splotch of paint falling has enabled the children to share their ideas and questions about Cause and Effect and what it means to them personally. The students were encouraged to talk about what came to mind when looking at this image. 

Following on from this has been all about Chemical Science. The students have been investigating Matter; what it is and what refers to a substance’s state of matter. This followed into the topic of ‘solids, liquids and gases’ and how these three matters behave in different ways and have observable properties that help to classify them.