Senior School Update 

Senior School Update 


We are extremely impressed by the way that our Senior School students have settled into a new school year throughout Term 1. All students have been happy to return to face to face learning and have certainly formed positive connections with other students in their cohort as well as their staff members.


Our VCE students have had a positive start to the year and shown perseverance in the face of the challenges and demands of VCE. Through our fortnightly assemblies, they have participated in workshops that have helped them to reflect on their mental health and wellbeing as well as a range of effective study strategies they can implement into their routines for SAC preparation. Many of our Year 10 students are also completing a Unit 1 VCE subject and should be commended for their focus and determination to “Strive for Excellence.”


It has also been fantastic to see how well our VCAL students have engaged in their programs, including our Year 10 Pathways group. A highlight has definitely been their attendance at their VET courses and work placements which they have shown a strong commitment to. We’re really looking forward to many successes in this area of the school this year. 


Finally, it was amazing to see our students participate in our Athletics Carnival on the final week of term. Many of our students got involved in the track and field events and put in their best effort. A highlight was definitely a lap of honour from our Year 12 students who attended their very last Athletics Carnival and brought a whole lot of positive energy to the day!

We wish all of our students a safe and enjoyable school holiday break and we look forward to welcoming them back in Term 2.


Melissa Foresio

Senior School Leading Teacher

Athletic Day
Athletic Day
Study Group
Study Group
National Young Leaders
National Young Leaders










VCAL Garden
VCAL Garden


Out of Uniform Day Fundraiser
Out of Uniform Day Fundraiser
Out of Uniform Day Fundraiser
Out of Uniform Day Fundraiser
Out of Uniform Day Fundraiser
Out of Uniform Day Fundraiser