Positive Climate For Learning 

Positive Climate For Learning 

The start to 2022 has provided the ESC Community with many opportunities and challenges. It has been fantastic to experience face to face teaching and having a full term in school. Each year level has adjusted back into a regular routine, and we have welcomed Year 7 students into our Community. 

I would like to acknowledge the work of Leanne Halsall our Leading Teacher – Wellbeing for her work around planning and setting up our 2 new Programs. The Year 7 – 9 students and teachers have utilised our new program of Life Skills Go. This has provided us the opportunity to gauge how students are feeling in the classroom and developing their recognition of their emotions and developing their Emotional Literacy. We look forward to continuing our journey with Life Skills Go to provide extra support for our Year 7-9 cohorts. 

The Resilience Project has been launched for our Senior School students. This will develop our communities understanding and recognition of developing resilience throughout not only school challenges, but 21st Century life experiences for us all. The Year 10 students are engaging in The Resilience Project through SIP classes on Wednesday afternoons. Year 11 students through Assembly time in 4 specific groups and finally Year 12 students through their POD program. 

The Positive Climate for Learning Team has been working on the planning to begin embedding more structures and positive reinforcement strategies throughout our SWPBS Framework. This will start to come to fruition throughout term 2 and beyond; creating more opportunities for students to be recognised for their effort and work around the College. 

The relentless work from our Year Level Coordinators, Wellbeing team and Leading teachers to support staff, students and parents has been evident to ensure we are able to provide a calm and orderly learning environment for our students to engage in positive learning environments for the across the College. 

The Tutor Learning Initiative that was initiated in 2021 has continued and has seen our tutors working with students throughout Literacy, Numeracy and Wellbeing/Engagement across the College. This is key to providing support and guidance for students accessing the program. Our integration and Learning Support teams have also been working on high level supports in order for students to be able to access the curriculum and feel confident in their learning.

We look forward to all these strategies and frameworks becoming embedded practice in order to further develop our growth in providing support for our staff, students, and parents through 2022 and beyond. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the ESC community and wish everyone a much deserved and well-earned restful break. 

Thank You 

Frazer Thomas – Assistant Principal, Positive Climate for Learning