From the Principal 


As Term 2 draws to a close, we can reflect on a successful term that allowed students to experience many engaging activities and learning experiences, while striving towards making positive progress in learning outcomes and personal growth.


2020- Year 9 to 12 Information Evening

On July 18th, the current Year 8 to 11 students and their families are invited to an important evening of information about VCE, VCAL, VET and the elective offerings for 2020.  This information session will be critical in informing parents and students of the many VCE, VCAL, VET and elective subjects available.

In the following weeks, intensive Course Counselling sessions will be provided for parents and Year 10 students to ensure students are well informed in selecting their senior years learning pathway.  Similarly, course counselling is being made available for students from Years 11 to 12.  Year 8 to 9 and 9 to 10 students will be supported through their selection process to assist with choosing the best learning pathways aligned with their personal interests and strengths, whilst keeping their options open in preparation for choosing tertiary learning pathways.  I would like to thank parents in advance for taking time to attend these course counselling sessions to support their children as they make these important life decisions.


Review news

The School Review will commence in Term 3 on July 30th.   The 4-day review will run over 2 weeks with 12th August being the final day.  The information gathered from this review will form the basis of our next Strategic Plan.


Report available online on last day of Term 2

Semester 1 reports will be made available to families online on Friday 28th June.  It is recommended that parents read these reports with their children to reflect upon the comment’s teachers have made, in order to make plans for future improvement.  Please don’t hesitate to contact teachers at the beginning of Term 3, should you require any further ideas and support with how to best assist your children to make the most of their learning time. 


Staff and students are ready for a well-earned break after giving their all for the first half of the year. This allowed outstanding teaching and learning experiences to be enjoyed by all.   I wish all staff, students and their families a safe, relaxing holiday break and hope you all enjoy quality time with your family and friends. 

CESC Commitment to Child Safety

CESC is committed to the practices and values surrounding child safety. All procedures, measures and practices have been developed in accordance with Ministerial Order No 870 -Child Safe Standards- Managing the risk of child abuse in schools.


Cranbourne East Secondary College is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This is the primary focus of our care and decision-making. Cranbourne East Secondary College has zero tolerance for child abuse.


Cranbourne East Secondary College  is committed to providing a child safe environment where children and young people feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. With particular attention being given to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, as well as the safety of children with a disability. 


Every person involved in Cranbourne East Secondary College has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role he/she plays individually and collectively to ensure that the wellbeing and safety of all children and young people is at the forefront of all they do and every decision they make.