Library News

It has been a busy start to the year with activities and events for National Library Lovers’ Day underway. Miss Fitzgerald’s Year 7, 9 and 10 English classes have had fun finding books to read by participating in Book Speed Dates. Students were able to spend time getting to know a wide selection of books that we offer. Students selected a table and spent five minutes focused on ‘dating’ a book that appealed to them from those offered at that table. They were able to then change tables over the lesson getting more opportunities to ‘date’ a variety of books and in many cases perfect matches were made.


Reading Café recommenced with quiet Senior study and reading for the Junior years the sole focus of break 1 Wednesday. This provides students with the opportunity to build their literacy and engage with reading for pleasure. Students needing to access computers for schoolwork are able to before school and during break 2.


The library has Blind Date with a Book on again this year. Students select wrapped books based on their genre and first line, putting into practice the old adage ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’. As part of the celebrations students and staff that borrow any book including the Blind Date books between Wednesday 12 February and Tuesday 25 February automatically gain an entry to win a copy of Angel Mage by Garth Nix. This is a fantastic new fantasy series by a bestselling author.


On Friday 14 February the library hosted a trivia event as part of the official Library Lovers’ Day ‘Uncover Something New’ campaign. Students and staff were able to enter teams and test their general knowledge of art, sport, literature, geography and more. Trivia is a great way to discover new information about a broad range of subjects.

The winner's will be announced at Tuesday's assembly!!!


Library Monitor applications are now available from Miss Klein. Students in Year 7 to 11 can apply. We are looking for friendly, hard-working and reliable students who love to read, help others and are able to commit one break a week to undertaking tasks in the library. Applications close at the end of break 2 on Tuesday 25 February.