Next School Tour

Secondary School

Thursday 27 April 2017

9.15am to 10.45am

The Principal, Head of Campus and staff warmly invite your friends and family to visit our Secondary School and  learn about a Preshil IB education and all it has to offer. 

To book, click on the website link below or call our Registrar

Nerel Ezra on 9817 6135.

Book a Tour


We are enrolling now for 2018, however some places remain available in certain year levels for this year.

2018 Year 7

Creativity & Innovation Scholarships

Applications close Friday 26 May 2017.


We are seeking applications from girls and boys who do not currently attend the School and who believe that Preshil can offer them an opportunity to further their creativity and independent thinking, in all areas of learning.


Applicants are not required to sit a scholarship examination, rather, they are asked to submit a portfolio of material that shows evidence of creative, innovative and imaginative endeavour in any field of learning and of their capacity to contribute to the Preshil community.


Please download the Application for Scholarship here along with the Application for Enrolment here. Alternatively, if you wish to obtain a school brochure, register for a tour or require further information about enrolment at Preshil, please call our Registrar Nerel  Ezra on 9817 6135.