Teaching and Learning


VCE Step-Up Programme

Following the Examination Period, Year 10 & 11 students will make the important transition into their new VCE subjects. On Friday next week, students will be given their timetables for the 7 days of the Step-Up Programme (Monday 3rd December to Tuesday 11th December).

This period is vital to make an early start on what will be a very busy year in 2019. Teachers will be providing an outline of the course requirements, assessment details and will commence teaching the course content. Preparation work for the holiday break will also be provided and will be expected to be completed by the start of next year.

If your child has any concerns please ask them to speak to their new subject teachers in the first instance.

Year 7 to 10 Science Textbooks

The Science Faculty is looking forward to implementing some exciting new changes to their Year 7 to 10 Science Curriculum, with the introduction of new textbooks and changes in accordance with the updated Victorian Curriculum for Science.


You will notice on the booklist that the new Oxford Science Textbook (Student book and oBook/Assess) will need to be purchased. The Jacaranda Science Quest textbooks will no longer be used. We have used this series of textbook for over 15 years and now feel a change is well overdue.

Rebekah Bonnett