Myrniong and ELC

Notices Sent Home
- Speech Day notes – Piccino to Year Five
- Uniting Church Christmas Hamper Appeal – Piccino to Year 5
- String Instrument letters – Year 2
Year Two Strings Concert
Next Tuesday, November 27th, the Year Two Strings programme will wind up with a Term Four performance in the Refectory at 2.45 pm. It has been an exciting year-long programme for the budding musicians. Mrs Wear, Mr Singh and Mrs Christie have done a fabulous job of introducing our Year Two students to the wonders of playing stringed instruments. I invite all Year Two parents to join us and share in their final performance. It is hoped a number of Year Two students will continue on with strings and join our ever expanding Pizzicato Strings group. At last count, we had 18 regular participants. This equates to 1/5 of our Junior School population.
Final Three Weeks of Term
2018 has certainly gone by in a heartbeat. The final three weeks of Term Four are very busy, with a number of important events for your diaries;
Week 8
Tuesday November 27th - Year Two Strings Concert at 2.45pm Refectory
Wednesday November 28th – Year 5 Class Assembly at 1.40pm
Thursday November 29th - House Public Speaking Final at 10.00am Library Lawn
Friday November 30th - Prep ‘Big Day Out’ to Halls Gap; P&F Farewell for Mrs Jen Hutton -5.30pm at the Hamilton Club
Week 9
Tuesday December 4th – ELC 4 to Year 2 Nativity Service at 10.15 am (Uniting Church, Hamilton); Learmonth House visit to Eventide Nursing Home - 2.25 pm
Thursday December 6th - Speech Day rehearsals at the Senior Campus
Friday December 7th - ‘2018 Junior School Speech Day’- 12.00 pm at the Senior Campus
Week 10
Monday December 10th - Class Party Day
Tuesday December 11th - Christmas Service - 7.30 pm at the Presbyterian Church
Wednesday December 12th - Final day of school for 2018. Old Fashioned Sports - 9.30 am at Myrniong
2019 Booklist
Staff have been busily reviewing and updating booklists for 2019. These will be distributed in the next week to Junior School families. Apart from ‘retain from previous year’ items, all booklist components are required for the 2019 academic year. Our loyal local supplier, Warrnambool Books, has a reliable website for online purchasing. Booklists will be delivered to the College for collection in the week of January 29th, 2019.
Stephen Nelson
Head of Junior School