
Staying Well, Staying Connected

Dear Families,


Hopefully your children have enjoyed connecting with one another via the Meet sessions which have been occurring this week.  Your mental health and that of your children is our priority and we want to offer you the support you need to stay socially connected while we need to be physically distance.  We know that the children are missing their friends at this time, missing the connection with their school community and are looking for ways to stay connected.  If you have set expectations at home for your children's screen time, this may be a time when you have to consider relaxing those boundaries to allow your children more opportunity to chat with their friends while they play an online game. 


It also may be a time when you need to consider how else your children can connect with their friends using other online platforms.  While doing this it is important to understand the uses of these platforms and how to secure your privacy and that of your child.  Some of the ways your children can connect with each other whilst at home include: via personal email, playing appropriate online games, using video link up platforms, sending letters or by writing notes and going for a walk to drop them off in a letter box.  I'm sure there are other ways you have developed which also help your children connect with friends.  If considering using online means as a way of facilitating play dates, please see the eSafety Commissioner's website with tips for parents - https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents 

Thriving Inside

Smiling Mind has some great resources for families to support children and adults while we stay at home.  Watch the video in this article which talks about the benefits of practising mindfulness.  You may also want to navigate to the Smiling Mind website for information about their free app and for other resources to help you and your family 'thrive inside' - https://www.smilingmind.com.au/thrive-inside

If there is any way that the school can assist you or provide support for your children, please email me poverbury@santglen.catholic.edu.au  


Stay well,

Peta Overbury

Wellbeing Leader