Community News

Mindful Chess - online weekend chess!

Dear Parents,

Felix from your child's school chess club here.


During this term online chess tournament games will continue on 10 am on

Saturday and Sunday.


I will also be creating online lessons analysing the top game from each

day's tournament and teaching other related strategy and lessons.


To join the tournament any day:


1 - Make a account


2 - check you have joined the club at:


3 - log in by 9.55 am. Click on 'play' and then 'join'  the tournament.


* I will be online helping and analysing strategy live during games.

* For any parents that would prefer their child not being able to use

chat functions while playing I suggest using instead.


To view and discuss the weekly lessons simply click on 'forum' on the

right of the club homepage.

Or use this link:


While the intimacy or our club is reduced, being online still allows for

kids to keep in contact with other players from their school, with me

and with others who partake in the interschool tournaments. Also,

playing the same regular familiar players each week and chatting may

continue some sense of community.


I think online pre recorded lessons may work better than trying to have

live classes. However I am open to other ideas or preferences regarding

lessons and tournaments in order to work out what works best for