Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2022, and welcome your input:
Llewela Humphries (Class 56A)
Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)
Zoe Overdyk (Class 56C)
What will you find in this issue:
Mathematics in Term Four / Maths Acceleration -UHS
Upcoming Special Events / Specialist timetable.
The Term Four Mathematics focus is to consolidate our learning. In the first half of the term we have been revisiting the topics of; Translations, Reflections and Rotations of two-dimensional shapes. We identified line and rotational Symmetries and Enlargements. Multiplication and Division of large numbers has be revised, along with Length, Area, Volume and Capacity.
Heading into the second half of the term, we will reflect upon the topics of; 12 hour, 24 hour and elapsed time, along with Fractions, Decimals and number patterns. BODMAS or BIDMAS (Order of operations) will see out the revision stage of the term and set our kids up for success in either Year Six or Secondary School. We will finish up the year working on Mathematical worded problems and puzzles.
Check out the photos below of all our students investigating different areas of Math's:
Five of our Year Five students have been chosen to attend Upwey High School on a Monday afternoon to participate in a Math's Acceleration program. Mr. Richardson, a senior school Math's teacher, has been running these classes with Year Five students from the local area. On Monday 7th of November our students participated in a session linked to maths and construction. We worked with students from Tecoma Primary School to use maths, angles and force to build a bridge between two tables. Our students: Lucy, Daniel, Sarah, Lola and Jade worked well together to build some successful designs.
We look forward to attending over the next two weeks covering units on: the beauty in numbers & an escape room.
Our Year Six students have been working consistently on their Reflections Scrapbook, ready to present to parents at the end of the year. Each Friday we have been running scrapbooking sessions where students have been learning skills in presentation and laying out the artwork in a orderly and appealing manner. Every student should be proud of what they are achieving, we have got some great projects.
Crazy sock / hair day: Thursday 17th November
Diversity Dash: Friday 25th November (white t-shirt & gold coin donation)
Curriculum Day: Monday 28th November
Japanese Day: Thursday 1st December (information tbc)
PTA Special Lunch: Monday 5th December (information tbc)
Inflatable Sports: Thursday 8th December (time tbc)
End of Year Celebration Yr 5/6: Friday 9th December (event on Compass)
Transition Day - Government Secondary School 2023: Tuesday 13th December
Transition Day - Primary Step Up: Tuesday 13th December (details tbc)
School Leadership 2023 speeches: Tuesday 13th December (speeches written at school)
Inquiry Expo: Wednesday 14th December - 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Reflections Expo: Wednesday 14th December - 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Graduation: Thursday 15th December - 5.00pm - 9.00pm
Year Five / Six Picnic Party: Friday 16th December
LAST DAY OF 2022: Tuesday 20th December - 2.30pm
End of Year Celebration: Friday 9th Nov.
Thank you to the Upwey Bakery and The Butcher Club (Ferntree Gully Plaza Shopping centre) for donating bread and sausages for our Sausage Sizzle. How great it feels to support our local community and for them to support us. We all thank you.
5/6 A
Visual Arts: Tuesday 10:30am
Performing Arts: Thursday 9:00am
Health & Physical Education: Tuesday 11:30am
Japanese: Thursday 1:00pm (even weeks)
Visual Arts: Tuesday 11:30am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 10:30am
Health & Physical Education: Wednesday 9:00am
Japanese: Thursday 11:50am (even weeks)
Visual Arts:Thursday 9:00am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 11:30am
Health & Physical Education: Tuesday 10:30am
Japanese: Thursday 11:10am (even weeks)