Year Three/ Four

Communicating with the Year Three/Four Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2022, and welcome your input:
Melinda Rowe (Class 34A)
Rebecca Tilley (Class 34B)
Michelle Wright (Class 34C)
It has been a busy term of learning in Math this term!
In the first few weeks of the term, we revised what we already knew about data and delved deeper into data analysis. Our students loved performing investigations such as:
- Which gesture is most likely to win a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors?
- Which colour of M&M is the most common?
- Which class reward is the most popular?
We also learnt how to create graphs using digital technology, and spent a fun session making 3D graphs.
We then spent a week revising what we know about 2D and 3D shapes, and using concrete materials to build upon that knowledge. The students had fun using popsticks and plasticine to build 3D shapes and identify their properties.
Upon returning from camp, we have delved into the world of multiplication and division.
Our students have been excitedly waiting for these topics!
In Year 3/4, we teach our students strategies to assist them to solve multiplication and division problems. We have been playing games to practice these strategies, as well as our times tables.
We had an absolute blast at Forest Edge camp!
We had beautiful weather as we left school on Monday, and were captivated as we drove through the rolling hills in Neerim East. We couldn't believe how stunningly beautiful our campsite was! The LaTrobe river running behind us, and a gorgeous creek just behind our cabins!
Upon our arrival, we met our host Jeremy and he gave us a tour of our facilities. After lunch, the fun began!
Over the three days we spent at Forest Edge, our students had the opportunity to participate in:
- Climbing Wall
- Crate Climb
- Flying Fox
- Scavenger Hunt
- Hunt Building
- Disc Golf
- Trampolining
- Riddle Rogaine
- Initiative and Low Ropes Course
In addition to the above, our students had the opportunity to participate in a talent show and disco, and we spent our last night snuggled up watching a movie.
It was an amazing experience, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank our incredible parent helpers for their support.
- Hats - A reminder that students should now be wearing a sunsmart hat whilst outside for the remainder of the year.
- Messages - Please contact the office if you have a message for your child during the day. We cannot guarantee teachers will check their emails during the day.
- Diaries - Your child should be bringing home their school diary each night. Your child should be recording their reading each night: title of the book, page numbers read and a parent signature. They should also be writing down which times tables they have worked on that day. Students should be bringing in their diary to school daily.
- Times Tables - Please assist your your child to practise these times tables so that they can respond automatically and in any order.