Principal's Message

Please take the time to read each page of our newsletter, as we provide you with information updates across each curriculum area.
Curriculum Day- Themes and Dreams
Today the staff of our school have been working in teams to unpack the findings from our School Review (held at the end of Term Three).
The overall themes from the report (not yet publicly accessible) are that Upwey South Primary School is a great place to belong, with outstanding academic results, a strong social-emotional approach, an inspiring array of extra-curricular and specialist programming, and an extremely committed staff and wider community.
Following the unpacking of the themes from the current report, we are now setting our sights on our dreams for the future of our school; inclusive of a revisit of our vision and mission. Our future directions will revolve around continued academic growth, increased student agency and voice, and the diversification of extra-curricular programming.
Following our next Curriculum Day (Monday 28th November) during which we will further refine our dreams and aspirations, we look forward to sharing with you the exciting things ahead for our school!
2022 Year 6 Graduation
The Year 6 graduation is coming up on Thursday 16 December which we hope will be a memorable night for all our grade sixes before they head off into the brave new world of High School. The theme for graduation this year is ‘The Greatest Showman’/circus and we are hoping to transform the school gym to match the theme. We are in need of a few items and are calling out to the whole school community to help us.
Do you have any of the following items we could borrow for the night?
- Warm white fairy lights/clear festoon lights (not coloured)
- half wine barrels (we need four)
- Circus costumes e.g. ringmaster, strongman, trapeze, lion
- old antique chair (with some worn leather upholstery would be ideal)
- antique/vintage wooden crates
- large bubble machine (that pumps out a lot of bubbles without having to be held).
If you can help out, please contact Meg on 0407008115. Thanks so much for any assistance you can provide.
Term Four Community Events- add these to your calendar
We have some very exciting events planned for the reminder of Term Four.
The following school-wide events should be added to your family calendar, and are in addition to information which has already been provided regarding year-level specific events (such as the Upwey High School Math Immersion Program, Gifted Insights, etc).
Please speak with your child’s classroom teacher if you require more information on any of the events listed below.
Groove Foundations Instrumental Music Concert
Tuesday 15th November starting at 3:45pm in the gymnasium. Students who take part in Glee Club, and/or instrumental music will be performing for our school community. We encourage students and their families from across our school to attend, and to witness the amazing talent which will be on show.
Crazy Sock and Crazy Hair Day
Thursday 17th November is Upwey South Primary Schools Crazy Sock/Hair Day.
For further information please refer to Miss Bowles Compass post, posted on Tuesday 8th November 2022.
Diversity Dash (Colour Run) Day
Friday 25th November will be holding a DET sanctioned Colour Run, to celebrate diversity across our school community.
We last held this event in 2018, and it was a highlight of our community calendar.
All students who wish to participate are encouraged to wear a white t/shirt on this day, and may wear additional white or bright accompanying items if they choose to. Students are welcome to wear novelty sunglasses for the event.
Between 1:00pm-2:00pm students will complete the Diversity Dash in year levels (Preps with Yr 5 buddies, Yr 1 with Yr 6 buddies, Yr 2, Yr 3-4) with the chance for parents/carers to also run the course with their child if they choose to. The course will be held within the school grounds.
There is no cost to take part, and no Compass permission required.
For the afternoon session (2:30pm-3:30pm) students will take part in fun-filled year level games and activities which will be supervised by staff.
Please refer to the flyer attached to this Compass Post. We will require parent volunteers for this event to be a huge success.
This day will also involve a gold coin donation ($1 or $2) from each student, which will go towards supporting the Dandenong Ranges Emergency Relief Service.
School-Wide Curriculum Day
Monday 28th November all staff will be partaking in planning for our new School Strategic Plan. Students are not required at school on this day.
TheirCare OSHC will be in operation.
Japanese Day
Thursday 1st December we will be holding a Cultural Awareness/ Japanese Day Celebration.
Please refer to the Languages- Japanese section of this newsletter for details.
PTA Special Lunch – Pizza
Monday 5th December the PTA will be having a Special Lunch – Pizza (dietary options available).
All orders must be placed via the QKR app. This will open on Monday 14th November and all orders must be placed by 4pm Thursday 1st December. No late orders will be accepted.
Inflatable Sports Day
Thursday 8th December Upwey South Primary School will be hosting an Inflatable Sports Day.
This will be held on the school oval weather permitting. All activities will be supervised by attendants as well as Upwey South Primary School staff.
Students will participate in these activities within their cohort, and this event will run for approximately 45 minutes per cohort. This is an opt-in event, so if your child chooses not to take part they will remain in their classroom during the events.
Permission and payment is required for your child to take part in this event. $13.00 per student, with payment and permission due by Monday 5th December 2022.
Please refer to the event titled “inflatable Sports Day” which has been posted to Compass.
Year 5/6 Big Day Out – End of Year Celebration
Friday 9th December is the Year 5/6 Big Day Out (end of year celebration).
This will be available to pay and give permission on Compass next week.
Students and teachers will be attending Metro Cinemas in Boronia to view ‘Puss In Boats’. Students will be transported by bus from Upwey South Primary School to the cinemas and returned. Upon arrival back at school a sausage sizzle will be held for all participating students.
Step-Up Transition Day
Tuesday 13th December all Year Six students attending government secondary schools will attend their secondary school for the day. Students of other year levels will spend time with their 2023 classroom teacher and class.
More information to be sent out via Compass in the following the coming weeks which will detail transition programs.
Christmas Choir Public Carols in Upwey Main Street
Wednesday 14th December our Christmas Choir (Year 3-6 students) will perform a set of carols in Upwey Main Street. More information to follow from Ms Lang.
Year Level Class Parties and Celebrations
Friday 16th December all classes will have their end of year Christmas celebrations. Further notice will come from classroom teachers via Compass over the coming fortnight.
End-of-year School Assembly
Monday 19th December 2:30pm-3:15pm we will be holding a whole-school assembly to announce the recipients of our Year Six Graduation Awards (to the wider community) and to announce the names of our 2023 School Captains. We will also have the opportunity to see some exciting performances from our students.
Year Six Graduation Assembly
Tuesday 20th December 2:00pm-2:20pm we will be holding a whole-school assembly in the gymnasium to farewell and honour our Year Six graduating students. Our Year Six students will also perform their Graduation Song for our audience.
Community Christmas Concert
Unfortunately, due to our current building works Upwey South Primary School will not be holding a Christmas Concert in 2022. We look forward to 2023, and to making the most of our new learning spaces!
Celebrating Student Achievements
We have the most amazing students at Upwey South Primary School, and quite often their brilliance extends beyond the boundaries of our school fence. With community sport, artistic endeavors and other events back in full-swing we are wanting to use our newsletter as another chance to celebrate the achievements of our students beyond the school gates.
If you know of a student who has achieved something beyond the school gates which should be celebrated, please email
Sunsmart Hats and Schools
As we being to experience more sunny days in Term Four, we bring your attention to the importance of our school's Sunsmart Policy.
Please take the time to read over the attached policy, and be aware that in Term Four all students are required to wear a school branded sunsmart hat when outside.
or visit the policy directly at:
Keeping Aware of Information Relating to School
As a school we work hard to keep our families informed of happenings across the school. We acknowledge that receiving information in a timely and consistent manner can help to alleviate the pressures which come from managing a busy family calendar.
Communicating via Compass
All of our school notifications are sent via the Newsfeed within the Compass app. There is also a calendar of events within the app, which sends push notifications to users to remind them of school events.
We continue to utilise Compass for families to consent and pay in order for their children to take part in school events.
In order to filter notifications which are received, you will notice that we send out notifications which are year level specific. This means that sometimes not all notifications are sent to all year levels.
Administration Reminder
Please be reminded that if you need to collect your child/ren early, please contact the office when you are five to ten minutes away so we can have them at the office for collection.
Communicating with the School Administration Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2022, and welcome your input:
Damien Kitch (Principal)
Paula Lee (Business Manager)
Janette Clarke (Office Manager)