Rubbish Rebel Waste 

Term 4 of Environmental Science 

Cr. Dixon (Deputy Mayor) visits Somerville! 

 We were so lucky to have Cr. Lisa Dixon, the Deputy Mayor of Mornington Peninsula Shire join us to see how our reusable icy pole sales are going. These were funded through a Single Use Plastics grant by the shire. Cr. Dixon spoke with our students about budgets and spendings for the icy pole making and how the students are planning on using the profits made. Our student leaders proudly spoke to Cr. Dixon about raising money for graduation, all while eliminating single use plastics from our school! Win, Win! 


Melbourne Zoo Fighting Extinction Showcase

On Friday school leaders and ambassadors traveled to Melbourne Zoo for the Fighting Extinction Showcase. We were joined by other schools presenting their initiatives to reduce animal extinction. Our leaders spoke with the CEO of Melbourne Zoo Jenny Gray and discussed ways SPS was eliminating single use plastics from the school. She was thrilled to hear about the reusable icy pole sales and how our school is working hard to combat climate change. It was a sensational day of learning for our students and building their knowledge of sustainable initiatives that we can try here at Somerville. Huge thank you to the parents who drove the students into the Zoo and to Ivy and her mum Leah for making our sensational table cloth to display our posters and badges. 

and badges. 


Somerville PS recycling hub 

We have so many ways to recycle your items from home here at SPS. Don’t forget to pop by our recycling station, just outside the Enviro room, to drop off your tablet blister packs (empty), plastic bread tags, socks, batteries, dental hygiene products and empty markers, pens and highlighters. You can also pick up a free book from our book box to take home.