Mr G's Goss



It’s been an exciting couple of weeks at Somerville Primary School and I cannot believe how quickly the end of the year is approaching. On the 11th November had our Remembrance Day Service and our School Leaders did a sensational job of organising and running the entire service. 

Our Year 1 & 2 students enjoyed swimming last week and they did a fantastic job walking to and from the pool. Our Foundation students got to visit Lego Land last week and they all thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We had Marine Ambassadors Day yesterday with Ms Dunstan which was a huge success. Our Year 3 & 4 students also visited Lego Land on Tuesday and they had a superb time and in the future we could see some of our students appear on Lego Masters if they continue on their creative Lego Journey. With 3 weeks of school left for the year we still have a number of events to look forward to such as Foundation Swimming, the Senior School Market, Somerville Primary School Christmas Concert, Reading Nights Party, Year 6 Graduation and our Final Assembly on the last Friday morning of the term.

A special reminder that tomorrow is our SRC dress up day where students can come dressed up as what they would like to be when they grow up.  



Just a reminder that all students need to be wearing a sun smart hat each and every day this term. Thank you for your continued support with this.


Congratulations to all of the students that have reached reading nights milestones throughout Term 4. I look forward to celebrating our reading nights party on Wednesday 7th of December. Students will need to have reached the 200 night milestone by this date to attend the celebration.  


Congratulations to all of our Somerville Star Award winners at our last assembly. You have all done a sensational job and set a wonderful example for your classmates.