From the Principal 

Dear Parents and Carers,


As we head towards the end of the year; life at Somerville PS is getting busier and busier. Our students have all been practicing their Christmas Carols and we look forward to seeing everyone at school for our concert in Week 11, on Thursday 15th December at 5:30pm-6:30pm. Somerville Primary School choir will also be singing at the Somerville Community Christmas Carols on Friday 16th December from 6pm ; we hope to see as many families there as possible. Its been lovely to hear all of the Christmas singing coming from the Performing Arts room. 


Our students have begun the stepping stones program whereby they visit the year level above, this will continue over the next couple of weeks on a Monday afternoon. On Friday the 16th of December all students will meet their 2023 Teachers and write their parents a letter. 


Congratulations to our Grade 1 students for their excellent efforts in Term 3 with their Yard Behaviour. Last Friday they had hot chips as a celebration; excellent effort Grade 1!


We have purchased another 500 books this Term for classrooms and the library. Next year we will be purchasing an additional 2000 books. Thank you to all families for your support with the parent payments; with your support we have been able to prioritise the purchase of these books; they are used by all students throughout the school. 



We have our Election Day sausage sizzle on Saturday, we look forward to seeing everyone as they come to vote; if you would like to help out on the day, we still have some vacancies. Please let the office know if you would like more information. 

Camp Australia have been working closely with School Council, we have been able to secure another educator to increase capacity to 45 students, this will alleviate families not being able to book in last minute or on popular nights. We have also been able to increase the hours to start at 6:30am and close at 6:30pm. There is a slight fee increase alongside these increased hours and educator, however this was unavoidable. 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Kind Regards,


David Tapp