Chaplains Corner

Someone told me this quote years ago and I feel it is relevant for today. I googled it and the Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited with the idea that the only constant in life is change. Only fragments of his writings remain, one in which he says: Everything changes and nothing remains still; and you cannot step twice into the same stream.


I certainly feel that we are in a season of change in our community and post covid world. Changes can be destabilising. Changes might be going to secondary school, a new job, job loss, death of a loved one, changing family dynamics, moving house or sickness just to name a few. Some changes are positive others negative some are huge life changes others smaller adjustments.. 


With all these changes happening what can bring a sense of stability? One thing is belonging to a strong community. 


Somerville Primary School is a strong community and this can be a stabilising influence in changing times.



Kind regards

Katharine Goschnick

Somerville Primary School Chaplain

Ph 5977 5421