Learning in S37

Ms Dunn

Senior School S37 Dunn is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

Gumbuya World

On Friday 7th October, our Year 6 students went to Gumbuya Word for Water Safety Lessons. Here is S37 to tell you about their day at Gumbuya World:

Karly: I loved the animals and wave pool, it was so fun!
Aishmeen: Gumbuya World is really fun, but the water slides were the best!
Cayden: My favourite slide was the Taipan. My thoughts on Gumbuya World, it was good!
Bawi: The day at Gumbuya world was really fun. My highlight of the day was the drop on the Boomerang ride. 
Kane: My main highlight was going down the Taipan with Cayden, Viking, and James. When we went on it, straight away it started spinning!
James: My highlight of the day was going on the Taipan with Cayden and Kane.
Calvin: At Gumbuya World we did water safety first then as soon as water safety ended, it started to rain. But, we kept on playing in the water. It was so fun!
Alyssa: Gumbuya World was a great trip for me. I really enjoyed taking my friends down the big slide.
Jack: The day was really fun! I most enjoyed getting to see the animals and going on the Lazy River.
Charlotte: The  wave pool was fun and so was the Lazy River. We had lots of fun swimming in the rain and, in the wave pool, most of us fell off the boogie boards. 
Mia: My favourite thing at Gumbuya World was the yellow slide, it was awesome!
Abbey: I loved going on the slides with my friends. The animals were so cute! My highlight of the day was patting the snake!
Christine: Gumbuya World was really fun and a wet experience. I loved the rides and how busy it was. 
Ben: My favourite thing was going to the animal part. I liked the chickens!
Tara: On the 7th of October, my friends and I went to Gumbuya World, Kianah, Teagan, Dinuli, Hayleigh, Indi and I had the best time! 
Hayleigh: At Gumbuya World, when we got there we had to wait before we could do things, I was so excited, I started to cry!
Alarah: My favourite part of the day was going on the yellow slide and patting the snake! It was so much fun!
Ekam: We had a great time, convincing Jack to go down the biggest water slide. It was a lot of fun!
Cordelia: It was so fun and exciting. Though, it was cold and raining. I had a blast on the slides and in the water.