80th Anniversary

What an outstanding celebration we had on Friday 4 November - 80 Years of Excellence in Public Education!


It was very clear to see how truly valued Windang Public School is, and has always been, in our community. 


Our Open Day was a huge success - we had an exceptional assembly, BBQ, Le Windang Cafe, Fairy Floss, Face Painting, Walk Down Memory Lane, Open Classrooms with Stage 3 presenting The Day of the Distinguished, Fire Brigade, State Emergency Services and even a Petting Zoo! The sun was shining so beautifully all day, and it was absolutely magical seeing all of our amazing students having so much fun among family and friends.


Our P&C hosted an incredible Cocktail Event at Club Windang in the evening - this was a beautiful opportunity for past and present parents, students, staff members and community members to reminisce, share stories, and catch up.


Windang Public School has such a vibrant and caring community. On behalf of all staff, I would like to sincerely thank each and every person who contributed to the success of our celebration. We are so proud of our school!


Mrs Ashley Davies

Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction