From the Principal's Desk

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Dear Parents and Carers,


It's hard to believe we are now in Term 4 and it's already Week 6! What an exciting start to the final term in 2022 we have had.


Many students across the school have been participating in swim school throughout Week 5 and Week 6. They have returned to school very enthusiastic and happy with their morning swimming lessons. 

A big thank you to Ms Stewart, Miss Rogers, Ms Dimoski and our School Learning Support Officers Miss Lombardi and Ms Cheetham for their fantastic organisation and supervision to make this opportunity possible. 


We are also running our 2023 swimming carnival next week on Wednesday 23 November 2022 at Port Kembla Swimming Pool. Let's hope that the beautiful weather we have been experiencing holds for our swimming carnival. Please see our Sports page for more details. 


Windang PS 80th Anniversary Celebrations Program

On Friday 4 November, we celebrated our 80 years of exceptional public education at Windang Public School. Past students, families and staff were invited and together we had a magnificent day. 


Thank you to our wonderful P & C and staff organising committee for making the event such a success. There were many hours of preparation that went into the event and we really appreciate your time, effort and dedication to our school and community. The smiles on the faces of our community and the lovely feedback we received was very heart warming. Thank you to our students and families for being enthusiastic and delightful on the day. The efforts of our teachers to ensure students made the most of the day was also noticed. 


It was lovely to hear Ms Kocovska personally recognise and thank our sponsors and special guests on the day. The musical collaboration with Mr Holderkeeping, school choir, and singing of our school song was beautiful to watch and listen to. It was such a pleasure to hear past staff and students share some of their personal experiences from Windang Public School and how they have pursued rewarding careers. What a wonderful community collaboration the day was. 


Kindergarten 2023 

The Kindergarten Orientation program recently started with a relaxed “Meet & Greet” event where staff, families and children had an opportunity to chat and experience our wonderful school community. Last week we postponed out Orientation Day 1 - Parent Information Session which will now take place this Thursday in the school library from 9.15am to 11am. We look forward to sharing more about our fabulous school and can't wait for our 2023 Kindergarten students to meet Year 5 buddies and spend some time in the Kindergarten classrooms.

Year 6 Transition to High School

Throughout Weeks 7 and 8, our Year 6 students will attend various transition to high school and high school orientation days. We wish them the very best as they experience first hand what it is like to be a high school student for a day or week and look forward to them sharing their experiences when they return.


For the next two weeks I will be relieving as Principal. I look forward to the opportunity to lead Windang Public School during this time until our wonderful Ms Kocovska returns.


Kind regards


Carinya Barkley

Relieving Principal 

Windang Public School