
Welcome to another fantastic term of Sport!

Swim School/Swim Scheme

Over the past week students in years 2-6 have been participating in our fantastic Swim School Scheme. Although there have been a few tears... we have braved the cold and the big pool to learn how to swim with our classmates. 


These weekly sessions include learning valuable skills in basic survival swimming, how to float on your back, basic freestyle and backstroke moves as well as swimming the length of the 50m pool. We are so proud of all of our swimming students as they are challenging their minds and bodies to try their best and learn a difficult yet important skill. 


Check out our awesome back floating, freestyle and diving skills!!


Swimming Carnival - Wednesday 23 November - Term 4 

We will be running the 2023 swimming carnival THIS TERM! It will be held in Term 4 on Wednesday 23 November 2022 at Port Kembla Swimming Pool.


Competitors: All students who are competitive swimmers and are aged 8 years and up from January 2023 can compete. 


Supporters and spectators: All students in year 1-5 will be attending the swimming carnival this year. Stage 1 students who are not competing will be participating in supervised water activities. 


Students are asked to bring to their swimming costumes, towel, hat, sunscreen, lunch recess and drinking water. House colours can be worn. 


Year 1 students: Who are not yet 8 years or older, will be participating in supervised water activities (beach activities - sand castle making games etc). These students may wear their swimmers (rash shirt included or normal shirt) in the event of getting wet. 


When and where:   Wednesday 23 November 2022 @ Port Kembla Swimming Pool 


ALL students will need to be at school by 8:20am for a 8:30am departure on the bus. All students will arrive back at school by bus around 12:30pm. If you would like you take your child home from the carnival you need to let Miss Tracy Carroll know before you leave. 


Parent Assistance: We would greatly appreciate any parent assistance, for time keeping and marshalling in order to accommodate all students in their races. If you would like to assist with timekeeping and/or marshalling please email the school on, telephone the office  on 02 4295 1852 or let Miss Rogers know. 

Parents may attend as spectators. 


I cannot wait to see all the fantastic sporting events in the weeks to come. Keep up the great work Windang!!


Miss Rogers 

Sport Coordinator