
Vermont Secondary College

Year 10 Commerce – ASX Share Market Game


The ASX share market game is an online stock trading website for schools using real businesses, where we got to start with $50,000 and we had to spend it all on shares in multiple businesses. Some things I did to help me win was using my brain to execute strategies against the competition. 1st place was me with $53,402.35, 2nd place was Devanshi P with $51,857.14 and 3rd was James C with $51,681.35.   Across the two classes 18 students grew their money to end up with more than $50,000 and 28 students lost money too with a portfolio value of under $50,000. We did this as a part of our Year 10 Commerce course as we are studying financial literacy.

Cameron Z 

Year 10


Photo inside the classroom is Alex, Apurv and Aadi

Photo outside the classroom is Cameron, James and Devanshi