Duke of Edinburgh

Vermont Secondary College

Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Camp - Mitchell River National Park 

The Year 10 Duke of Ed class completed their Adventurous Journey Camp last week trekking through the Mitchell River National Park. The class spent the previous six weeks undertaking preparations and practicing outdoor skills which were put into practice across three days in tough terrain. Carrying all their own equipment, cooking meals, setting up tents and navigating cold and wet conditions, the class trekked over 28kms across the camp. With support from camp guide Ayden, Ms Eccles and Mr Smyth the highlights included sitting by the camp fire, beautiful views, visiting the Den of Nargun, the Amphitheatre and Angusvale campsites, river crossings, wildlife including an emu and other birdlife, kangaroos, possums, a blue tongued lizard and a goanna and lots of fun and laughs along the journey as a group. What an amazing effort by the Year 10 Duke of Ed Students!!!

See below for some personal accounts from students and some pictures from the camp. 


“Our hike involved walking along the Mitchell River, from the Den of Nargun, all the way to Angusvale. We walked around 11km on the first day, stopping at Billy Goat Bend and 18km on the second camping at Angusvale. When crossing the river, I was a part of a five person group to return to collect the sanitation kit, which was left behind at Billy Goat Bend. Towards the end of the first day, it was more difficult as we reached the top of the hill, but it was worth the view at the end”


“During our hike in Mitchell River National Park, we walked a total of almost 30km, and had an elevation gain of 722m in total. We crossed 2 rivers, one near Den of Nargun, and the other near Jurgensen’s Point picnic area. We camped at Amphitheatre night 1, and Angusvale night 2. We all cooked dinner together on the first night, my group ate mac and cheese and it was pretty good. We saw some wildlife, like possums and birds, and they almost got into someone’s tent. For breakfast my group had chocolate oats which were also good and turned out to be very filling for the day. Day 2 we began our walk to Angusvale, the walk was longer but I found it much easier than the first day, even though some parts were very overgrown and a struggle to get through. 

We had lunch at Jurgensen’s Point picnic area, and some people had to go back to Amphitheatre because we unfortunately lost the hygiene kit. The rest of the walk was pretty chill until we got into the overgrown area but it wasn't too hard. The campsite at Angusvale was really nice and there was heaps of space to play games and to get enough personal space. We had carbonara for dinner and it was really good and filling. Most of us stayed awake chatting around the fire which was fun. On the last day I was glad we didn't have to walk again, and the drive home was really nice and peaceful.”