Principal Report

Busy, busy, busy! It's another full-on fortnight.
We have students out representing the school in many activities from Dance to Ag and everything in between. It is great to see so many students getting the opportunity to represent the school.
As this newsletter goes out, I am on my way to Sydney to watch five amazing dancers perform at the School Spectacular. I am really looking forward to the performance; I wish them all the best and hope they enjoy their time in Sydney.
On Saturday the 19 November, I had the pleasure of attending the Year 12 Formal. It was wonderful to see all of our graduate students look lovely in their formal wear. They all scrubbed up really well. I would like to thank the Formal committee for all their hard work and organisation making this night a night to remember for our students.
The number of students being caught vaping is getting alarmingly high. We would like to remind our students and families that vaping on the school site is not permitted and can result in your student being placed on a level or even suspended for repeat offenders.