Classroom News

Buddy Time
The prep students showed off their reading skills today by reading to their Y5/6 Buddies.
Year 1
Year 2
It sure was hard to say goodbye to our special little visitors on Monday!
Read below to find out what the Year 2s enjoyed most about having chicks at our school...
Katalina - Getting to hold them!
Annabelle - Getting to name them!
Azariah - Watching how curious they were as they looked around at everything!
Raffaele - They were really cute to look at!
Chloe - Their fluffy fur!
Samantha - Their cuteness!
Kushi - When they were chirping!
Brenton - They were very playful!
Tristan - One time they tried to sleep on my hand!
Kaitlyn - When they ran freely!
Natalie - When we held them, they felt comfortable and safe!
Massie - The yellow chicks were really cute. So were the brown ones!
Nirav - The chickens were lighter than a feather!
What a great experience!
3D Shapes
Over the past couple of weeks, the Year 2s have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. They recently built various 3D shapes using coloured sticks and blu tack, to deepen their understanding of the different shape names and properties (faces, vertices and edges).
Year 3/4
What a wonderful time all the students had at Italian Day on Wednesday! The school was awash with the colors of the Italian flag - red, white and green. Every student was so excited from the moment they walked in, what exciting activities lay ahead for them that day. There was pasta making and cooking of Italian biscuits; students also got to create a beautiful, colorful mosaic of the Colosseum; some even were able to make necklaces made from pasta; lunch was of course of the Italian variety - Pizza e gelato. And then to top it all off, an afternoon where improvement of soccer skills was the order of the hour. What a fun day they all had!
Year 4/5
What an excursion!!!
On Monday the senior students headed to CERES, an environmental park in East Brunswick, to look at challenges to our planet and the need for us to harness and use renewable energies as the planet continues to warm. This is what we learnt....
I learnt how different types of energy works ~ Michael
I learnt how energy is stored ~ Alex
I really enjoyed learning about solar power and how it works ~ Izaac
I learnt that trees absorb carbon dioxide for plants and humans to get oxygen ~ Enock
I learnt that we have been using to much fossil fuels and that there are other options ~ Ishe
I learnt that if we use more solar power we can reduce a lot of fossil fuels ~ Chen
I learnt that coal is really old (about a million plus years old) ~Bhavin
I learnt about the carbon cycle ~ about this entire process of how it works. The role playwas a great way to see how ~ Yash
I learnt that carbon dioxide always goes in a cycle. The trees turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, the animals breathe oxygen in and breath out carbon dioxide. The process starts again ~ Jaxon
I learnt that when trees fall down and become weak, that over time they turn into coal...but it takes a looong time! ~ Glendon
I learnt that it takes about 12 to 60 000 years for coal to be formed ~ Connor
I learnt that climate change is a big responsibility for all of us ~ Roery
I learnt that animals and the way they use oxygen are part of the carbon cycle ~ Ethan
I learnt that black coal was here before brown coal was ~ Zane
Year 5/6
As part of the Year 5/6 Well Being, the students are learning about 'Positive Gender Relations' from the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Program. The first topic was to define 'What is Violence?'
Students were able to identify different types of violence and how it affects those who have been a victim, witness or perpetrator of violence. See picture below.
Students then come up with their own definition for the different types of violence.
Verbal Violence
Our Definition: Isabelle, Jemimah, Julian
Verbal abuse is where people will use hurtful and inappropriate language against you, to get under your skin and hurt you mentally and emotionally.
For example people may talk behind your back, or spread gossip and rumours about you. People may also swear at you.
Dictionary Definition: Verbal abuse, also known as emotional abuse, is a range of words or behaviours used to manipulate, intimidate, and maintain power and control over someone. These include insults, humiliation and ridicule, the silent treatment, and attempts to scare, isolate, and control.
Physical Violence
Our Definition: John, Bernice, Ria
Physical violence is when someone hits, punches or kicks you or does anything to hurt you physically.
Dictionary Definition: Physical violence is an act attempting to cause, or resulting in, pain and/for physical injury.
Psychological Violence
Our Definition: Amelia, Liam, Brian, Amelia
Psychological violence is when you hurt someone, some examples include: excluding people, making faces, lying, embarrassing someone or shaming someone and it affects them mentally or physically.
Dictionary Definition: Any intentional conduct that seriously impairs another person's psychological integrity through coercion or threats.
Sexual Violence
Our Definition: Caitlin, Hansvi, Ahan, Joshua
Sexual violence is when a person experiences unwanted touching, staring, flirting, suggestive gestures or sexual assault.
Dictionary Definition:
Sexual violence means that someone forces or manipulates someone else into unwanted sexual activity without their consent.
CERES Excursion
On our excursion to CERES we went into a classroom full of bikes. The teacher, Adrian, gave us a fact card. Then he gave us a paper and we wrote our name and 2040 as the title. We also wrote how old we will be in 2040. Most people will be 30. Then drew what we wanted the world to look like in 2040. We got to touch brown coal. Then Adrian needed people to demonstrate as trees and collect co2 which were tennis balls. He also needed animals and builders to put the co2 back in the atmosphere while trees were taking them out. This is called the carbon cycle. By Liam Y6
As soon as we entered the small classroom we sat down and looked around the room, we saw a whiteboard at the front, and bikes on the side of the room. The man named Adrian grabbed our attention and said hi and welcome, then he got started with the lesson. He started off by passing around brown coal (lignite) and black coal, (anthracite). Later on in the lesson he told us about how our CO2 levels are at 419 ppm, (parts per million, which is not good because if we reach 450ppm it could be very bad for our environment, when their ideal goal to lower the CO2 is 300-350ppm. By Sheen Y5
In the last hour of the day we got to play Jenga, but it was a different type of Jenga. The teacher whose name was Adrien pulled out the Jenga blocks from a tub. The Jenga blocks had soil, atmosphere, animals, insects, plants and water written on them. He explained every block a little and then told us to grab more blocks and stack them on top of each other. Then he told us to get into groups of 2, then he gave us cards that had a problem written on it and how that problem affects the world. My problem was oil and driving cars and how it affected the atmosphere. After that he asked us to find out why that problem affects the world. When a duo shared their cards they took a Jenga block from the Jenga tower. When everyone was done we were asked to find a solution. On the walls there were solutions to our problems. My solution was called electric cars. It said people need to drive electric cars. We all shared and that was the end of that class. I really enjoyed it and had lots of fun. By John Y6
Did you know that you can use water for wind energy? On the 24th of October the year 4/5/6’s went to CERES. For the second lesson we learned all about different energy sources. My group and I started with wind energy. We had to get a wind anemometer and test different wind power for different places. The highest wind power we got was 1.7. Then we went to the water energy station. We used water to power a fan and the bucket under the wheelbarrow filled with water so fast. The last station we went to was the solar energy station. We had to plug in different appliances and go over the solar panel and test if it still worked. Most of the appliances didn't work without the sun from the solar panel.
By Mia Y5
The Co2 cycle
The Co2 cycle is an amazing thing that starts with trees, the trees will pull down the Co2 and turn it into salt and then take the oxygen from it. The oxygen is ejected into the atmosphere where animals like the wolf, a wild dog and the snow leopard breathe in the oxygen and breathe out Co2. Then humans found coal and burned it in the industrial revolution and caused Co2 to be released into the atmosphere which messed up the Co2 cycle. By Josh Y6