School News

PEAC Testing
Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) testing for Year 4 students will take place in Week 2, Wednesday 21st October. The scores from the test will be used in the selection of students for PEAC courses and extension programs during 2021. The PEAC program provides part-time extension and enrichment for exceptionally able students in Years 5 & 6.
Parents of Year 4 students are requested to email by 3.00pm on Friday 25th September if they do not wish their child to be included in the PEAC assessment.
Meghan Griffiths
PEAC Co-ordinator
Year 6 Market Stall Day
The Year 6 students will be holding a Market Stall day to raise money for the Year 6 gift to the school. They have been keenly planning and organising some great products to sell with many games and competitions for the rest of the school to enjoy.
Some of the amazing things on offer will be:
Pet Rocks
Stress Balls
Pompom Friends
Mystery Bags
Balloon Animals
Hairstyling and spraying
Temporary Tattoos
Entertainment stalls will include:
Carnival Games
Soccer Bowling
Tennis Toss
Disco – Dance Central
Shooting Hoops
Lego Building Challenge
We encourage students from Kindergarten to Year 5 to bring some money to buy something or to enter a competition. Most stalls will have something available for $1-2.
To coincide with the Market Stall day, we will be celebrating Book Week on the same day. For a gold coin donation - all students can dress up as their favourite book character for the day. We are not holding a parade but each year level will organise their own sharing of costumes in their space.
Can you help us?
Hi! Our names are Sofia, Kate, Nethaya, Eric, and Anson, we are a group of Year Sixes and we have an amazing idea for our Market Stall next term. Our idea is to have a spinning wheel contest. However, we do not have a spinning wheel in our possession.
If you have access to a spinning wheel for us and would be happy to let us borrow it. Please contact our mentor
Thank you for your help with our project, it is gratefully appreciated!
Sincerely Kate.
Uniform Concepts
The Uniform Concepts (Willetton Superstore) will be closed on Saturday 26th September to take advantage of the long weekend.
We will therefore close at 5:00 pm on Friday 25th September, and reopen at 9:00 am on Tuesday 29th September. Thereafter, we are open normal trading hours throughout the September holidays, for families to get a head start of their term 4 and 2021 uniform purchases.