Music News

Jenny Coleman - Music Specialist

Open Rehearsals

Due to COVID-19 restrictions and changes, the ensembles have unfortunately not had an opportunity to perform this year. Therefore, there will be some “Open Rehearsals” held next week – Week 10 for parents (and siblings) of students involved in the following ensembles:


Wind Band: 4:00pm – 4:15pm Monday 21st September in the Music Room.

Chamber Strings: 7:45am – 8:30am Tuesday 22nd September in the Music Room.

Recorder Ensemble: 3:30pm – 3:45pm Tuesday 22nd September in the Music Room


This is to show parents of students involved in these groups what we have been achieving and working on throughout the year. Students have been working very hard and have made great progress with their ensemble skills and growth.


Massed Choir Festival 

The “Massed Choir Festival Day” for the Senior Choir is scheduled for Wednesday 18th November. Due to COVID restrictions, this event will be held outside on the stairs of the Perth Concert Hall without an audience. Parents are not allowed to attend this event. There will be an estimated 1500 students performing. The performance will be filmed and placed onto the Massed Choir Festival YouTube channel for all parents to access.


Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS) Program

IMSS is a West Australian program providing students in WA government schools with free instrumental lessons in small groups with a professional instrumental tutor. Over the last two weeks, students in years 2 – 4 have been preparing for the IMSS Musical Aptitude Test – this is an aural / listening assessment. Testing for the IMSS program will occur next week, Week 10 during their Music lesson. 


To be considered for placement in this gifted and talented program, students need to meet a variety of criteria including:

1.       Scoring highly in the IMSS Musical Aptitude Test.

2.       Showing a keen interest in learning an instrument.

3.       Performing well in Classroom Music.

4.       Working well independently and in small group situations.

5.       Showing good organisational skills, including completing set homework and applying themselves well to set tasks.

6.       Receive strong parental and family support for school work and extracurricular activities.

7.       Showing good behaviour and following school rules.

8.       Is physically suited to learning their chosen instrument (IMSS teachers’ discretion) 


IMSS Instruments offered at Burrendah Primary School are:

Violin (8 places in total) - beginning in Year 3 (4 places on Viola - alternating years)

Cello (3 places) - beginning in Year 4

Double Bass (2 places); Percussion (2 places); Flute (5 places); Clarinet (5 places); Trumpet/ Trombone (5 places); Guitar (5 places); – all beginning in Year 5


Successful students are expected to remain in the program on their chosen instrument for the remainder of Primary School and it is hoped that they will continue into High School.


If your child is successful and meets the above criteria, an “Expression of Interest” letter will be sent home via email, followed by a “Formal Offer” letter.