Year 5 News
Alastair Evans, Will Heron
Year 5 News
Alastair Evans, Will Heron
In Room 2, Years 5&6, we have been practicing Mindfulness. After lunch, students rest their heads in their hands and close their eyes for 5 minutes.
Students focus on their breathing, following teacher instructions. The practice is for students to slow their breathing and focus on just one thing at that moment.
They have improved throughout the term, with students finding they are more relaxed and ready to re-start their learning after an active lunch.
The students in Room 5 are learning to use the iPads proficiently. We are receiving additional lessons from an expert teacher. Last week, we learnt to log into an Apple Classroom and measure distance, using our surroundings, with Augmented Reality software. Next, we learnt to Airdrop our work to each other and the teacher electronically. We are also learning to use Pages and Keynote to present our work effectively. We are looking forward to learning about Reality Composer and Garage Band.