School News

High Resolves

In Week 6, all students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 participated in the High Resolves Peak Experiences as a part of our curriculum delivery for Stage 4 and 5.

The High Resolves Organisation presents to students worldwide on Global Citizenship and Real World applications and Henry Kendall High School have been really pleased to have participated this week in the Peak Experiences.

Year 7 explored ‘Identity and Purpose’, Year 8 explored ‘Just Society’, Year 9 explored ‘Just Society’ and Year 10 explored ‘Social Progress’.

Students have learned to collaborate effectively, solve social problems and discuss global change and equality and social justice.


For more information on High Resolves please go to : 

Click to Learn More About High Resolves
Click to Learn More About High Resolves





Mrs Jay-Marie Blue

Head Teacher  

Applied Learning 

Year 9 iSTEM

Monday 17 August 2020, Miss Reynen’s Year 9 iSTEM class participated in a game trial of an Environmental Video game, based on the sustainable practices of water on the Central Coast. This game is being developed by the Central Coast Council and our students today were thrilled to be able to provide direct feedback on different features of the game.

We would like to thank Paul Clemens, Environmental Education Officer, Environment Education Central Coast Council for giving us the opportunity to participate in the video games development.

Added to this, the final game developed by the Central Coast Council will be embedded in course programming for Term 1, Year 8 Applied Learning in 2021. Students will be exploring environmental sustainability and consumption of water on the central coast for future generations.






Miss Crystal Reynen

Year 9 iSTEM

Retail Class

Retail were having Visual Merchandising fun on Tuesday 18 August by practising splicing of clothes on the display rack, with a few ring-in models in Kmart clothes.

Max Potential 2020

Congratulations to Imogen Street and Brandon Willmette.


On Wednesday 2 September,  both Imogen and Brandon completed Max Potential 2020.

They were able to celebrate their achievement via Zoom with the other students around the Central Coast who also completed this leadership opportunity. Brandon was also given the honour of thanking the organisers and the supporters of the program on behalf of all the students involved.

During the day all the students were able to share their Max Potential experience and the details of their Community Service Project. Henry Kendall High continues to be a proud supporter of this program and we are as always grateful to the Max Potential team, the Gosford RSL and all the other sponsors for providing a program that gives so much to our local community.





Mr David Ardley

Max Potential Coordinator