Year Adviser's Reports

Years 12, 10 and 8

Year 12

It has been an incredibly busy term so far for Year 12! Many students have been perfecting and completing their major work projects. There are lots of wonderful artworks, timber creations, society and culture personal interest projects, drama and music performances and historical and literature writings in the world now, all created by our talented students. They should all be proud of the work they have produced. Some of these students are also now in the process of preparing for their practical HSC examinations, which will be occurring over the next couple of weeks. Good luck! 


The whole cohort sat the trial exams in weeks 4 and 5. Year 12 conducted themselves in a mature and responsible manner and many have earned impressive results. For those that are disappointed in their marks, please remember that the trials are a learning experience and one of the most important steps in your preparation for the HSC. You have now conquered the fear of the unknown and can enter the final exams with a greater awareness of how best to approach it. These next couple of months are the most significant to drastically improve your results, provided that you put in the work to achieve it. Make sure you are present and engaged in lessons and implementing a study plan for home. Please speak to your teachers, mentor or myself if you would like any guidance on how to effectively use your time to prepare for the final hurdle of the HSC exams. 

In between all of the studying over the next few weeks, there are also plenty of opportunities for students to celebrate their academic achievements. In Week 10 of this term, there will be a dress up theme for Monday to Wednesday, a BBQ breakfast and time for Year 12 to engage in fun activities on the oval on the Wednesday morning, and a special assembly on Thursday 24 September to acknowledge their graduation from school, which will be live-streamed for the school community to watch. Students are reminded to be sensible with their celebrations and to not engage in anything that could potentially jeopardise their HSC or damage their highly respected reputation. 

Finally, a massive heart felt thank you must be given to all of the students in Year 12 who have gone above and beyond volunteering to assist myself and each other to put together all of the end of school celebrations. Thank you so much!






Miss Sasha Fitzgerald

Year 12 Adviser

Year 10

What a term Year 10 students have had!


I would like to start by taking a moment to acknowledge the Year 10 students for their overall positive interactions with other peer groups and supporting each other. It has been great to see!


With have had a busy Term 3, starting the preparation for Stage 6 and Term 3 started with Year 10 interviews. It was amazing to see taking this experience seriously dressing very presentable and preparing themselves for their interview. There were many positive comments about Year 10 students attitudes. Well done!


Year 10 have shown great initiative toward the schools action teams and leadership roles. Many volunteering for multiple different groups, so that they could support and encourage their peers from every year group.

On Monday 24 August, Year 10 students were lucky enough to experience and be apart of the High Resolves program. The students were put into many different situations, where they had to response and look at community focus outcomes. They were engaged and focused, which was great to see.


Finally, a small group have started their P-Tech journey this week. They are eager and excited for what is to come. 


I encourage all Year 10 students to keep up the good work ensuring that they are completing all their assessment task on time.





Miss Cassandra McLennan

Year 10 Adviser

Year 8

Year 8 have been working extremely hard this term. Term 3 so far has be very busy, from subject selections for 2021 to High Resolves and career presentations to changes in sport half way through the term and assessment tasks. Year 8 have shown they are able to change, adapt and participate in the always changing situations. From presenting speeches in English to visiting the animals at farm in Technology, they been working well in all their subjects.

Early in the term Year 8 had the opportunity explore all the different subjects that are on offer 2021 as they move into Year 9. This is the first time the students have had the opportunity to have input into their learning path. All students showed maturity when picking their subjects and should be commended. All students will find out their subjects very very soon so stay tuned. 

Year 8 also had the chance to run for SRC. All candidates had to fill in an application form and go through an interview with 3 teachers and a current SRC student. All 3 candidates interviewed presented themselves extremely well and it was a very hard decision. Congratulations to Amelia S and Felix T who are our new SRC representatives. Also a big thank you to Milana S and James V for playing their role in the SRC this year, Well Done!


I would like to send out a big congratulations to Milana S who has uploaded a performance of one of her original songs to 'triple j unearthed'. This is an amazing achievement for a very talented young lady. Well Done!! Follow the link and you can listen to her song or download it.

Click to hear Milana - Late Night Legend
Click to hear Milana - Late Night Legend


If you fail, never give up because 
F.A.I.L. means "First Attempt In Learning". 
End is not the end. In fact 
E.N.D. means "Effort Never Dies". 
If you get NO as an answer, remember N.O. means "Next Opportunity" POSITIVE THINKING!!! And remember “Self Belief is the Secret to Success”





Miss Crystal Reynen

Year 8 Adviser