Deputy Principal's Report

Mrs Donna James - Years 7, 9 and 11 Deputy Principal

Year 12 HSC

Year 12 have now completed their trial HSC examination period and are entering an extremely busy time in Term 3. Congratulations to all students on your application and resilience during this unprecedented school year. Thank you to parents for your ongoing support – as we are aware this is a stressful time for students.

Stress management for students is important in helping them finish the HSC journey. Please refer to the links below for some practical and useful tips in helping your child at this time:

The HSC hub link above will connect students to study guides, video lessons and practice exams, including tips from expert teachers and HSC markers. 


There's lots on the web for HSC students. 

  • General advice page – for study tips and links to the latest news from NESA about exams this year.
  • Learning area advice page – for links to practice multiple choice questions from NESA as well as subject-specific advice compiled by teachers.
  • Study advice page – tools, tips and advice to help you with your HSC preparation.
  • Exam tips page – useful advice on preparing for exam day.

Please see the link below for access:

Practical subjects for Year 12 are heading to finalisation with some excellent work being produced. Thank you to all staff who have given so much of their own time to have students complete their projects and performances.


Outlined below are key dates and events for Year 12 as they work towards the completion of their school journey:

  • Week 7: Learning pathways interviews with Mrs Wearne and Miss Fitzgerald are being conducted for all students. This will be reflected on their final exiting reports.
  • Wednesday 23 September 2020 – Celebration Day: There will be a barbeque breakfast from 8.00am for students who then may organise and attend celebrations in the morning until recess.
  • Library Books and School Fees: School fees will need to be paid as soon as possible. Library books will need to be returned by Wednesday 23 September unless other arrangements have been made with Ms Klein.
  • Thursday 24 September 2020 – Graduation Assembly: Further information will be issued by Mr Backhouse closer to this date.
  • Yearbook: The Year 12 Yearbook committee has been working hard with Ms Keft to produce an excellent keepsake for you. The cost is $25, final payment is due the day of the first HSC exam.

Year 11

Year 11 are currently completing their Year 11 courses in readiness for their pathway to the HSC starting Term 4. 

A reminder of key dates for Year 11:

  • End of Course Examinations: Monday 14  September to Friday 25 September. Examination timetables are being issued this week. Students are only required to attend school for their examinations.
  • Year 11 into 12 interviews: Tuesday 13  October.

Further information will be issued this term in regards to these key events. 


Stage 6 Prep Program- Year 10

This program is an important part of the schools commitment to preparing students for the transition to senior pathways next year.


A note was issued to Year 10 parents at the Senior Pathways Information night in regards to implementation of this program starting week 7 Term 4. Additional notes are available on the school website and the front office.


Students are currently required to choose the elective they would like to participate in as part of the program. Instructions for how to complete this process has been emailed to all students and must be completed by Friday  11 September 2020. All costs for electives are included in the upfront payment.


 Please be reminded the deposit for this course of $45 was due to the front office by Friday 4 September. Full course payment of $90  is required by Friday 24 September.


Thank you to parents for your continued support of the schools uniform policy. In the winter months please be mindful of the following:

  • Hooded jumpers are not uniform and not permitted.
  • Blue jumpers for juniors. Black is not to be worn.
  • Black tights are acceptable to be worn with the girls skirts. 
  • Tracksuit pants from Lowes are available to be worn for sports days
  • Black socks are not acceptable- white socks are the standard uniform.

All uniform items are available from Lowes Gosford, and can be ordered online - just click below.

Click to order online
Click to order online

Mrs Donna James

Deputy Principal - Year 7, 9 and 11