Principal's Message

School Philosophy

Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth and wellbeing for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.

From the Principal

Hi everyone,


I hope this newsletter finds you well and coping ok at this strange time. I thought I would start off with some fun things that are happening around the school.


We have organised an online disco for the junior classes, via Zoom, for next Friday.  We are hoping the kids will get a kick out of having an opportunity to dress up and have a dance. It starts at 1pm and goes for 30 minutes. Please put a reminder in your phones so the children don't miss it!


Foundation 100 Days of School

A hearty congratulations to our little Foundation students who have clocked over 100 days of school, albeit in a very different way to normal. Nevertheless, we had a wonderful celebration, with a fun Zoom magic show, that delighted children and adults alike. It certainly was fun to hear the reactions from the children, and it was wonderful to put a smile on their face and have a reason to celebrate. We are so very proud of our little ones. 2020 has certainly not been the year any of us promised them; who would have thought?! However, they are doing so very well, and let's hope that James Merlino is right and we will be back on-site sometime in Term Four.  That will definitely put a smile on everybody's face, I think.


School Video and Zoom 2021 Foundation Meeting

If you haven't caught up with our new school video, created in the absence of beingable to do school tours, it is now live on the school website. There are also smaller videos showcasing particular programs and areas of the school that visitors can access as they navigate their way around the site. Next Wednesday, 2nd September, at 6:00pm, we will be holding a Zoom meeting for prospective families for 2021. The link for the Zoom meeting will be posted on the website, and we would really appreciate it if you could spread the word about the meeting. It is difficult to get the message out as our usual avenues are closed.

We will be giving a brief overview of the Foundation program at OGPS and then will open it up to a Q&A session.  The online videos give the general background so there is an assumption that parents will have watched this before attending the meeting. 


New School Sign

You may remember that we were having some trouble with the fascia at the front of the school, where the wood had rotted and the old sign was threatening to fall. This is why we removed our OGPS sign from outside the front office and we are now sporting a repaired fascia and a beautiful new sign.  It looks great and will be a wonderful welcome back sign when we return to school sometime next term.

Update in the Meadow

I also want to show you some earth and drainage works we have been able to have done 

in the Meadow. One plus from not having children in this space is that this work has been able to be done and the ground given time to recover before the children are back to play on it.  Gone are the days of huge puddles, ducks swimming beside the playground, mud all over children's shoes and clothing, and potential sprained ankles on the uneven ground. 

Once again, a huge thank you to Ross Ploughman and his son, Alex (former parent and student of OGPS, respectively), who have done this work for us and, as usual, have gone above and beyond to make sure it is a sensational job.  It seriously looks so good!  

Ross also took some excess soil around to the Orchard Grove side of the school and placed it in mounds up the back of the amphitheatre. We know the children love to dig and climb mounds so, in dry weather, we are hoping that it will be a bit of fun for them, too.  At the back of the Amphitheatre is the next space we would like to work on for the children, so that we create a fun area for them to play, discover and be creative.  There are always things to do around the school to improve the buildings and grounds and we are full of ideas. 

It is so important for the children that we work to create a space that makes them feel connected. We want them to have pride in the school and have a strong sense of belonging.  Their school, their space; a place where they feel safe to grow, learn and make great friends and are proud to belong, too.


A Good Book to Share

I'm not sure if you saw my Facebook post earlier in the week of the book 'Windows' by Patrick Guest.  Patrick came to visit the school last year and is an excellent author. If you haven't had a chance to click on the link and watch the video, I would really encourage you to do so. It is a story of hope and shows how many of us are feeling the same; we will get back to normal and we are all looking forward to it. It is a lovely book to share with your children.

Click below:


Well, that's all from me this week. Thanks again for your continued support and feel free to reach out if we can assist you.


Take care everyone and stay safe.


Glenda Harry
