Mission & Catholic Identity News

World Teachers Day

Coming up is World Teachers Day. We acknowledge on this day the dedication and expertise of those responsible for educating students. The impact teachers can have on a child’s education can be great. Teachers are central to learning and breathe life into what is being taught and who engage and motivate students.

As Catholic schools we recognise that parents and guardians are their children’s first teachers. During the course of primary and secondary school it is often individual teachers that enliven education and cause students to identify what is most exciting and rewarding.

Each one of us, if asked, could most likely name a special teacher that made what was being studied engaging, lively and relevant and who sparked an interest and passion for learning that was life changing.

Teaching is a vocation, a calling from God, not just a ‘job’. 

Let us take time to personally thank a teacher on World Teachers Day on 30 October 2020.

Lord, you came among us as a teacher, healer and saviour.

On World Teacher’s Day, bless your teachers.

Help them become even more joyful disciples and profound echoes of your wisdom,

Bless our teachers with the gifts of Your truth, beauty and goodness.

Bless them with integrity, so that they bring Your words to life.

Bless them with courage and perseverance to walk the paths You have laid out.

We pray in the name of Jesus who knows all too well the challenges and joys of being a teacher.


Oh, when the Saints go marching in

Apparently, Halloween is coming up soon. Lesser known, this date is called Hallowmas, and is also known as the Triduum of All Hallows encompassing the Christian observances of All Hallows' Eve (Halloween), All Saints' Day and All Soul's Day, which last from 31 October to 2 November annually. Hallowmas is a time to remember the dead, including martyrs, saints, and all faithful departed Christians and is derived from two words - halig, meaning saint, and the word mass. All Saints' Day is the second day of Hallowmas on the 1st of November. It is a national holiday in many historically Catholic countries. 

The Catholic Church teaches that it does not make or create saints, but rather, recognizes them. We recognize them in many ways, some of us are named after a saint. By the way, my favourite saint is Saint Vincent of Saragossa.

Upcoming Events:

Final Assembly/Liturgy for Year 12 (CRA) – Wednesday, 28 October 2020.

Final Assembly/Liturgy for Year 12 (CLN) – Thursday, 29 October 2020.

Year 12 (2021) – Spirituality Day – Friday, 27 November 2020.


Matthew Williams

Deputy Principal - Mission & Catholic Identity