Year 6

Assistant Principal's Report

This fortnight in our Senior School...

It's hard to believe that we're heading towards the middle of Term 4 already!  It's such a busy time in the Senior School and we have so many different things going on that it feels like we never stop!


The development of a whole-school approach to Literacy at PSPS has been a massive focus over the previous 3 years - driving our staff's professional learning and the focus for all areas of the school.  In our Year 6 classrooms during our Writers Workshops, students are producing high-quality recount texts that really showcase the development of skills that our students have achieved. Reading through these pieces, the sophistication of the vocabulary and the tight structure of each recount makes me so proud of our students and what they are able to produce.


Our Readers Workshops are still going strong, with students independently carrying out the roles required in their groups to make these such effective learning experiences.  As the range of reading material within our school increases, it's wonderful to see our Senior Students choosing material as a group to really explore and use their critical thinking skills to deeply analyse the techniques used by the authors to engage the readers.


Over these next couple of weeks, you will begin to receive information about our Yr 6 Graduation and Celebration plans for the end of the year.  Please make sure you check your Compass notifications for important information as it is distributed.  We are also off on Camp in a week and a half - please speak to your child about maintaining the high expectations that we have seen consistently throughout this year when on our Camp.   It's a wonderful experience with so much rich learning, however we do rely on our students showing a high level of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience throughout the entire journey.


Wishing you all a fabulous fortnight ahead!

Kind Regards

Renee Cotterell