Prep-2 Sector

Prep News


SES Visit to Preps

(State Emergency Services)



On Friday 21st of June the SES Melton came to visit all the Prep classes. The students learnt about how the SES helps people when an emergency occurs like storms, floods, and accidents. Many of the prep students asked interesting questions.

The Preps were very excited to sit in the trucks and enjoyed hearing the different sirens and seeing the flashing lights.


Play Based Learning


Play-based Learning is very popular with the preps and will continue in terms 3 and 4. The students experience structured, play-based activities designed to develop understandings about “Community and Communication” as part of the subject of Geography. Some of the exciting activities are role playing ordering at a restaurant, dressing up, matching foods to shops, creating foods with playdough, paper cup phones and communicating through painting, music and dance.

Every Friday the preps participate in a physical education program to promote fitness and co-ordination. Rotation activities are held in the gym with all of the prep classes taking part. Some of the fun activities are climbing the frame, kicking the ball into the net, crawling through the tunnels, skipping, bean bag toss, stepping stones and ball toss.

The Prep Team

Year 1 News

On Monday June 24th the Grade Ones embarked to Ballarat to visit Sovereign Hill. Students had a wonderful day experiencing lots of hands on activities. Students gave a go at panning for some gold in the river. We even had one person find a bit of gold! Afterwards, we explored the beautiful town.


We experienced candle making, visiting the blacksmith and talking to the actors in their costumes! We were lucky enough to explore what houses looked like in the past. Also, we got a lesson in the classroom by a teacher in the 1800’s! Students enjoyed learning the different facts about the olden days. Our first excursion as a cohort was a complete success!


Year 1 Team

Year 2 News


In grade 2 we have been learning about how to write a procedure, including enough detail so that someone else can follow their instructions.



Students have also been learning the summarising strategy “somebody, wanted, but, so then” and have used this to succinctly summarise fiction. In Mathematics students have learnt about shapes in the first half of the term, and have recently been solving worded addition and subtraction problems and reading the problem carefully to ensure they understand what it is asking them to do with the numbers.



Play based learning continues to be lots of fun, as students deepen their understanding of services in the community, and are introduced to some Aboriginal history and culture such as the story of the rainbow serpent which students then construct using playdough.



In Year 2 so far this term we are having a great time learning about Australia, the countries around us and how we communicate as part of our geography and communication focus. We are doing this in our Play Based lessons.



In Reading we have been learning more about predicting before and as we read by focusing on proving our prediction by using the word ‘because’. I predict……..because. We have also compared predictions and used our prior knowledge and text clues to help us.


We are beginning to write narratives and watched some videos about children who were published authors when they were only very young. This was to support us to understand that anyone can write and that having a positive attitude towards writing is a really good thing. We will begin to work on characters and settings next.


Our Numeracy lessons have been about data. We have worked on asking a question to give us specific information, collected this information using a tally and then generated a column graph to show our results.


We are continuing to work with Seesaw activities in Digital Technology, which are linked to our classroom activities and learning.


The Year 2 Team