Term 2 Week 6

Home Learning 


This week students students will be learning there are different types of questions  for different purposes.  They will understand what an open ended question is, how to  write them and when they are asked. Through a variety of learning tasks using  different stimulus students will develop their own open ended questions using a Question Matrix

This week students will be completing a reader's grid. The reader's grid gives students personal choice for responses to the book they are currently reading. The learning intention for each session is examining and responding to literature in a variety of ways. The grid is separated into three different areas, plot, characters and reflection. Students will complete one task each day over the week.

This week in our mini lesson we are tuning into interesting words and using new vocabulary. When children learn to tune in to interesting words, they build word awareness and the understanding of words. This leaves them with “thinking power” in their brain to comprehend and make meaning of what is read. Have you ever heard a new word, looked it up, and then repeated it often to remember it? Students who tune in to interesting words expand their vocabulary by focusing on these new words and their meaning. By looking for words that are interesting and unique, children not only increase their vocabulary, but they also enhance their comprehension.


In Word Study this week, we will be introducing the students to Secret Agent 'Silent Final e' (S.F.E). Most already know about the 'e' at the end of the word acting 'bossy' and making a vowel say it's name (or second sound), eg in the words pine or late. However there are actually 5 reasons why an 'e' might appear silently at the end of a word. We will be introducing the students to all 5 reasons over the rest of this term. This week we will be reviewing it's first job (previously known as "bossy e" or "Magic e") which is to jump over the consonant and make the vowel say it's second sound. 

Secret Agent Silent Final 'e'
Secret Agent Silent Final 'e'

Finally, another reminder about our online book library, 'Epic'. Students can freely choose any of the books available through this library. Some books do have the capability of being audio-books, but always encourage your child to follow on with the words if they choose this feature.


Number and Algebra. This week students will look at the relationship between addition and subtraction through fact families.  The students will then be completing the addition unit by demonstrating their understanding through an addition place-mat activity.  This activity gives the students the opportunity to represent an addition sum in varies ways such as a worded problem and a vertical addition algorithm. 


Measurement and Geometry.

Time: Students will be asked to video themselves teaching others how to read and show time on an analogue clock, and upload this on Seesaw.  Location and Transformation: Students will explore, create and interpret simple maps.

Unit of Inquiry

This week students are writing a reflection about the 'Rules and Laws' unit and then beginning a new unit of inquiry under the PYP theme; 'Where We are in Place and Time'. This unit focuses on personal histories, family heritage, migration and understanding history. As an introductory activity or provocation, students will view a time lapse video to demonstrate 'change over time'. They will then create a personal timeline using four photos showing different stages of their life. For each stage students will write about their social memories of that time, physical features and the  skills they could do. Here are some ideas for timeline templates Please refer to Compass notification regarding student photos. 


Each day students are to be reflective about their learning by adding to their emoji reflection sheet. This is an important part of their daily learning.


This week we invite the student to write a series of mantra cards. A mantra is a phrase that is repeated over and over which expresses a strong belief and is designed to promote positive thinking.  We encourage the students to use their prior learning of growth mindset as inspiration for their mantras. Having a growth mindset is about believing that if you work hard you can learn and improve.  It is hoped that this can be one of many strategies that your child is using to support their wellbeing throughout the home learning period.  

Grade 3 Team

If you need to contact your child's class teacher you can do so via Compass. Alternatively, our email addresses are as follows:


Sylvia Zanati (3A) -



Georgia Kirk (3B) -



Shae Langford-Jones & Amanda Kerr (3C) -




Bill Kolivas (3D) -



Amy Chadwick (Hearing Unit)
