From the Principal's Desk

Learnings  From the Lockdown

Last week, I wrote about the opportunity to collect feedback from all our stakeholders - children, parents and staff in regards to what we have learned from our period of remote learning. 


It was a challenging time for us all, but despite the major disruptions to normal activities, there are many valuable lessons derived from this period that we as a school, and the system, wish to take forward. 


Below is a link to a survey in order to help capture the learnings from the remote learning period.


The surveys are designed to be a quick capture of learnings while the experience is fresh, and are not designed to capture every aspect of schooling during the lockdown period. 


Your feedback will be valuable in learning from the experience and improving education outcomes.  


Here is the link to the survey. It really is a short survey and is only expected to take approximately 10 minutes to complete. So PLEASE give it a go!


Parent or Carer survey  


For more information as to why we need to capture these learnings please feel free to watch this short video by  Dr Simon Breakspear, from Agile Schools

Mid Year Reports and Student Portfolios

On Friday 26th June families will receive a copy of the Mid Year Reports within the Student Portfolio as is our normal process.


As our school moved to remote learning as a result of COVID-19, our usual ways of working and engaging with students have looked different for the most part of Term 2.


Included in this change has been how we assess and report on student learning. Our school, teachers, students and families have all had to adapt, change and respond to the landscape – sometimes on a daily basis. There have been countless positive opportunities and new learning but there have also been challenges and we have each responded as best we can.


I thank your child for all they have achieved and all they have contributed – they should be proud of their efforts, even in the challenging moments. I also thank each parent/carer and family member for your encouragement, feedback, patience and willingness to engage with us to support your child’s ongoing wellbeing and learning.

I would ask you to appreciate that the content contained in the Student Portfolio and on which we report is reduced, as the usual assessments undertaken in the everyday classroom have not been possible this term.


Teachers have used a broad evidence-base to make their own balanced assessments of your child’s progress at this point in time. Such evidence includes student-led conversations and teacher observations, Term 1 assessments (and where possible Term 2 assessments), notes and work samples.


In that context and in recognition of the revised teaching and learning plan adopted for Term 2, this report will look a little different than usual. Following the advice of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), Victorian Department of Education and Training, and Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV), our school report will look like this:

  • Subject Overviews - a description of the areas of the Victorian Curriculum taught in Semester 1
  • Learning Descriptors – the extent to which a student has mastered particular aspects of learning within the continuum based on the Achievement Standards in the Victorian Curriculum F–10
  • Performance Indicators - the degree in which students take responsibility of their learning including their level of engagement with our Continuous Learning program (Remote and Flexible Learning)
  • A General Comment – a snapshot summary of your child’s general dispositions, work habits, capabilities and performance

You will also note a difference in the way ‘attendance’ is reported. The heading ‘Off Site’ refers to the number of days children engaged in the online program offsite. 'Full Day Absences' have been recorded where there is little evidence of engagement in our online program or  for when the child has been away from school during the 'normal' school program. 


The end of year report (December) will provide a more comprehensive view of the year’s learning across all usual curriculum areas.


Nevertheless we hope the Student Report along with the Portfolio prove valuable in your understanding of your child's progress at this time. 


Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s classroom teacher or myself for clarification. I thank you for understanding the variations in this Semester 1 report, as impacted by the change in learning environments this term and the approach our school has taken.


You will also find a copy of this information in the report itself.

Timetable Changes

To facilitate extensive year level planning for Term 3 the last of our major timetable changes will occur this Thursday where our Year 1/2 children will receive double specialist classes. 


Therefore all Year 1/2 children need to wear the sports uniform. 

Jump Rope for Heart

We have had another wonderful week of learning new skipping tricks and skipping for fun and fitness! Thanks to those who have signed up to our school Jump Rope for Heart challenge. A special shout out to Benjamin Cannon and Sophie and Liam Fitzpatrick who have already started raising money for the Heart Foundation.

If you haven’t yet registered, please register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply follow the link below to get started-


Not only are you helping to raise lifesaving money for the Heart Foundation, but you can also win heaps of fantastic prizes.


On the first Friday of Term 3, (July 17th) we will have our special “Jump Off Day.” All of the students are very excited to participate in awesome skipping activities and showcase the skills they have learnt at school and at home.

Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!


Mrs. Brittney Wohling

Physical Education Specialist

Hair Ties

A reminder that children with hair longer than shoulder length need to have it tied back with either blue or white hair ties.

Scholastic Book Club

Last week children received the latest issue of Scholastic Book Club for 2020.  A reminder that all orders need to be made through the Scholastic Book Club LOOP at .


All orders will be sent directly to your home so it works out perfectly!


Our school no longer accepts cash or cheque payments. 


Have a wonderful week!

God Bless

Anthony Hyde
