Environment & Sustainability 

News from the Chicken Coop

Thank you

Thanks to the Mitchell and Simpson families for looking after our gorgeous feathered friends over the past few weekends. We hope you enjoyed your fresh eggs.


Volunteers are still needed!

Thank you to the families that have volunteered so far to help look after the chickens this term, we really appreciate your time. We still need volunteers for the weekends of 2-3 September and 16-19 September, beginning of the school holidays.

Don’t forget that duty families get to keep all the yummy eggs they collect while on duty. An information sheet will be provided with all the details prior to your duty.

Please email Mel at mkerwin@sjmitcham.catholic.edu.au  if you can help out or would like to put your name down for the September holidays. Nominate a couple of your preferred dates and we’ll pop you on the roster for one of those. First in, first choice of dates!

Egg Lotto 

The Environment Leaders will be out in front of the school on Wednesday afternoons from 3:15-3:30pm to sell tickets to parents or students.

 All the money we make is put back into the keeping of the chickens for buying food and other resources. The next Egg Lotto draw will be  Monday 28th August at assembly. There will be a couple of dozen eggs available to win so get your $1 raffle ticket soon. 

News from the Garden

We hope you have been enjoying our delicious school grown lemons. We only have a few left on the tree so be sure to get in quick to buy the last of our lemons on Wednesday after school. Only 50 cents each!


Thanks for your support,

The Environment Team