Principal's Page

'A Welcoming Community Leading the Future of Learning with Faith and Love'

A Message from the Principal

This week I have the priveledge of travelling to far north Queensland to visit two remote Indigenous Communities. The trip has been organised for the outer eastern principal's network and will be an immersive experience into the everyday life of these communities. As a FIRE Carrier school it holds additional significance for me and I am looking forward to sharing my learning and adventures with you all. Our Deputy Principal, Melinda Buscema will be in charge in my absence, supported by the leadership team.


Last weekend was a very special celebration for our school community with many of our Year 6 students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. It was a beautiful ceremony and an important part of our students faith journey, taking this final step of initiation. Thank-you to all the parents and staff who prepared the students so beautifully and for helping to make this such a memorable and joyful experience, celebrating this very significant occasion.


On Saturday St John's entered a team of Year 5/6 students in the Tournament of Minds. Our students worked independently to design, collaborate and create an immersive art experience using the inspiration of Stanley Chasm. Congratulations to Ava, Madie, Gabi, Luciano, Valerie and Frances and thank you for your contribution. My thanks also to Ange Crowe and Melinda Kerwin for giving up their time to facilitate this project. Please see a more detailed report on the Learning and Teaching page in this newsletter.

At our last assembly we were joined by our local politician Nick McGowan who wanted to visit the school and offered to give out our assembly awards which was a special surprise for the award winners.  Students in Year 3/4C ran the assembly and Mr. McGowan was  impressed with the high standard of writing and the presentation skills of our Year 3/4 students, who shared their learning and research on natural landforms in Australia and overseas.

The Amazing Adventures of Super Stan

The excitement is building for our Whole School Production of The Amazing Adventures of Superstan. All classes are practicing their singing and dancing, the senior students are rehearsing their lines and we cant wait to see it all come together in the next few weeks.

Tickets are available for purchase now with a limit of 4 tickets per family. Please see details below.


Wednesday 6 September 2023 

Performance at 7.00pm

Admission $25.00 per ticket with a maximum purchase of 4 tickets per family

Tickets are On Sale Now!

Joke of the Week

  Where does Spiderman hang out in his spare time?   On the World Wide Web!


I hope that you all have a very peaceful week!


Verona Gridley
