Careers @MMCRC

Kate Dwyer - Careers Coordinator


Moving away from home to study or work?

If you are thinking about moving out of home to further your studies or to gain work, you may be eligible for financial support or other assistance. The school leavers information kit, has a range of support programs that are worth investigating. Specifically:

University Open days

Now is the time to start planning your visits to University open days. Following is a list of dates that have been released so far. Some of these universities require pre-registration, so be sure to look at the website for all the details.


Monash University events



All year 12 students are strongly encouraged to create a VTAC account and pay their registration fee of $55 before September 15. The fee increases after this date.

Once students have created their accounts, they can apply for courses. It is only after they have applied for at least 1 course, that they can then apply for the Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS). 


If students submit their SEAS applications before September 15, VTAC staff will review them and make sure all the required documentation is in place, and possibly make suggestions for how to strengthen their applications.


Students can also apply for scholarships via their VTAC accounts. These scholarships are generally for course-related studies. Accommodation scholarships need to be directed to individual providers.


Year 12 Careers Interviews

Monday, August 21, a student-free day for our College, will be the day we host interviews for our year 12 students and their families, to discuss their intentions for next year. The bookings portal for these interviews will be closed after school on Friday, August 18.

Year 9 Students

Work Experience 2024

Although this may seem a long way off, (June 2024) popular programs are already taking applications. If you are interested in completing work experience at either of the following sites, please follow the links for more information and to submit your application. Places are highly competitive.

  • Victorian Parliament: 
    • You can choose between two different experiences:
      • Sittings: placements provide the opportunity to see the law-making process up close. Students will go behind the scenes with the staff who directly support Parliament sittings, to get a deeper understanding of our democratic processes.
  • Services: placements offer a variety of opportunities that can be matched with a broad range of student interests and career goals, including business management, facilities management and maintenance, community engagement and broadcasting, and hospitality.
  • Zoos Victoria:
    • Applications close Monday, September 11, 2023