Welcome Back to Term 3


New Classrooms

In the final week of Term 2, those who remained on site enthusiastically watched as two transportable classrooms were delivered to the College. Over the holidays, concrete has been poured to join the entries of the rooms to the existing verandah area. 


As the buildings have been relocated from another school, there is still a bit to do before we can move into them. The Department of Education will now arrange for them to be cleaned, some minor repairs to be carried out, the insides painted and the new carpet laid. New furniture has been ordered and we are awaiting its delivery.  We will still need to arrange blinds and IT equipment. The College plans to put a verandah up between the classrooms that will extend to the existing verandah giving everyone protection from the weather as they come and go.  


Once these are ready for use they will enable all our classes to be taken within the class area without us needing to rely on the use of the conference room or trades' classrooms on a regular basis. 

YEAR 12 Students 

The Year 12s are reminded that they only have a maximum of eleven weeks of class left (for most students this will probably only be the nine weeks remaining of this term). Students should use this time to put effort into their school work to ensure they achieve the best results possible. Carefully considering their Semester One report and grades will assist students in working out what they most need to work on. 


Congratulations to those students who have excellent Semester One Reports. They now need to remain focused until the end of term as a poor result in an assessment can significantly affect their achievement in the subject. Students are encouraged to have regular conversations with their teachers to ensure they progress toward the grades they need to achieve graduation. 


Please keep in Touch

If parents have concerns or require subject-specific information, please contact your child’s teacher in that area. Please feel free to contact me at the College on 9782 2100 or via email:  with any queries or concerns regarding the above matters or your child’s progress.