Welcome back to a new term that started wet and cold this week.  This term brings longer days, which is always good for our mood. It also brings the College Ball, a highlight of the year for many students. 


It is timely to remind students and families that events such as the Ball are only accessible to students on Good Standing, so attention to behaviour and attendance is important. 


Staff PD

Earlier this week, staff took part in some professional learning on Aboriginal cultures and histories delivered by members of the Harvey Aboriginal Corporation. We learnt about the history and purposes behind the Welcome to Country and smoking ceremonies, bush medicine and about some of the history of the local area. Thanks to Bob the butcher and the kitchen crew for our morning tea as we sampled kangaroo patties, stew, and Lilly-pilli preserve. 


Parent Interviews

I hope those parents and carers who had face-to-face or phone interviews with staff on Tuesday found the experience worthwhile. We tend not to have huge numbers of interviews booked which may be a consequence of parents feeling that they have adequate information or that our timing and structure are not conducive. I am always looking for ways to increase the number of families participating in interviews, so any bright ideas are most welcome.


Country Week Thanks

My thanks to those staff who attended Country Week and enabled the students to enjoy that experience. Thanks especially to Judy Towler, grandmother of one of our students, who trained the netball team in the lead-up and attended as a coach. Thanks also to Jennie Stringer, who undertook the majority of the organisation. I was there for the whole week and was impressed with the attitude and behaviour of the students. 

High performer in our midst!


Congratulations Amelia Addison

Congratulations to Amelia, who earlier this year represented the school at the Equestrian WA Interschools Championships at the State Equestrian Centre.  Amelia rode Luvash Hearthrob and competed in the Working Hunter, 80cm Combined Training (show jumping round and dressage test ) and Novice dressage. Amelia placed overall Champion for Working Hunter and 6th in the Combined Training. She has been selected to represent WA in the Equestrian Australia National Interschools Championships, which will be held at Werribee - Victoria, from the 30th of September to the 3rd of October.






