Student Celebrations

Celebrating many things that our students have achieved

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.



PAThad D        For using detail in his sentences and drawings for his ‘Chicken Diary’. Well done on your amazing writing, Thad. Keep up the great work!
PBIsla PFor the positive mindset you bring to the classroom every single day! Your ‘have a go’ attitude is an inspiration to myself and your peers! Keep up the great work Isla!
PCRhett DFor always putting 110% effort into everything you do. Rhett, you have worked so hard this week to produce work that you are proud of and I am so proud of you! 
PESammy AFor your outstanding improvement in showing the 5Ls.  You are consistently crossing your legs, keeping your hands to yourself and raising your hand.  Well done and keep up the great work!
1AZoe CFor her fantastic efforts in maths this week. You have been working very hard on your addition strategies and counting on by ten using a numberline. Keep up the great effort, Zoe! 
1BCharlie DAlways giving her best effort when learning and being unconditionally kind to all teachers and peers. Charlie has shown incredible resilience this year with a few injuries not stopping her development in the classroom. Well done Charlie, you are a pleasure to teach.
1CFrankie PFor his interesting recount about our experience at Junior Athletics Day. Frankie, I loved the way your author’s voice shone through in your recount. Your use of adjectives kept me engaged for the entire writing piece. Keep it up!
1DMiller KFor taking on new challenges in Mathematics and working hard to explain his thinking when solving addition problems. Miller, you are a 1D superstar!
2AAva NFor showing great efforts in all learning areas. You continue to show resilience and challenge yourself in your learning. Outstanding efforts Ava, keep up the great work!!! 
2BSam TFor his consistent demonstration of the Wembley values.  Well done Sam, it is wonderful to see you consistently showing respect, resilience, inclusion and empathy towards your peers.  It is amazing to see and you are a role model to others. Amazing work, keep it up!  
2CArlo WFor his amazing job in subtraction! Arlo I'm so impressed with your hard work and clever thinking to solve math problems. Keep up your amazing work and growth mindset. You are a math wizard! 
2DBillie RFor demonstrating excellent listening skills during class and applying great effort into your learning, especially in math where you always take on a new challenge. You’re doing wonderful learning in Term 3, well done and keep it up!
3AKeira WFor demonstrating our values of inclusion and cooperation. Keira, you’ve made great progress this week being paired with new partners, playing with new friends at playtime and successfully showing you can grow who you know! Keep up the great effort with our Wembley Values! Can’t wait to see what you can achieve throughout the rest of the term.
3BScarlett GFor showing resilience, working so hard and making positive choices. Scarlett, you created a fantastic letter in writing this week and have shown amazing effort when contributing to discussions, even though you lost your voice! Well done on always making smart choices, even when they are difficult ones. Keep up the fantastic work superstar! 
3CAsher SFor sharing your great thinking and questions during class discussions, particularly evident during our discussion on persuasive texts. Keep up the wonderful work Asher, your wonderful questions build upon and strengthen your learning. Well done!  
3DCharlotte GFor contributing confidently to our class discussions and always sharing your opinions and thoughts. You are a positive  student who enjoys sharing her knowledge with others. Keep  up the wonderful work! 
4AMia HFor consistently trying your best within all learning areas. You regularly show persistence and resilience when trying new things and are a role model to others in our class. Well done Mia!
4BLuke RFor showing cooperation and teamwork skills when working in groups. Luke, I'm so proud of how you are managing to adapt to different situations and be inclusive when working with a variety of people, as well as supporting others with their work. Keep up the fabulous effort!
4CCharlotte DFor coming to school with a smile that brightens up the whole of 4C! We love seeing your growth mindset and the way that you consistently approach challenges with positivity and resilience. You’re a superstar, Charlotte. Keep it up! 
5ALucas AFor continually pushing yourself to explore more complex content in our Maths lessons. Lucas, the motivation you bring to your learning is great to see and is leading to some really positive outcomes - All driven by you! Great stuff.
5BMarcus PFor showing resilience and perseverance when learning about the extension fractions unit. You should be very proud. Well done Marcus!
5CJude CFor demonstrating a high level of focus during independent tasks. It has been great to see the effort you are putting in. Congratulations Jude!
5/6ANiamh KFor her friendly and cheerful nature which creates a positive and safe environment. Niamh can always be trusted to work cooperatively in group tasks and will frequently offer kind words of support and encouragement to her peers. Well done Niamh!
6AMatilda RFor being a great friend, and peer to students not only in the classroom, but also to students in the yard. Matilda, you have displayed compassion and empathy, as well as social maturity this year, which has been noticed and appreciated by your peers and teachers. This is a great trait of yours, and will be valuable to you throughout your life. Well done!
6BOctavia FFor going above and beyond in your maths goals this week. Octavia, not only are you pushing yourself to achieve, you are also encouraging your friends to do their best. Keep up the great work!
6CHenry PFor demonstrating a growth mindset when approaching new challenges. Henry, your efforts this term are admirable. Keep it up legend!


PAJamie FFor his range of strategies and resilience when working on challenging subtraction problems. Keep helping others and working hard, Jamie!
PBElla GFor your new-found confidence interacting with your peers! You are inclusive by nature, and full of fabulous ideas that you willingly share with your peers. We are so lucky to have you in Prep B!
PCMichael PFor the amazing counting knowledge you have shown during our combining and separating units. Michael, you have shown Prep C some amazing ways to work with numbers! Keep up the great work. 
PDWill DFor making fantastic choices when lining up after play. Well done Will for showing respect to your classmates. Keep up the great work!
PEAmron DFor your amazing reading of "The Big Wind Day" in guided reading.  You are using your knowledge of high frequency words to read with accuracy and fluency.  Well done!
1ALeo VFor always displaying positive choices inside and outside of the classroom. You continuously work well with others and try your best to complete any task to the best of your ability. You make such a great role model for others in our class. Keep up the great work, Leo!
1BLucas D For your outstanding problem solving skills when using number lines and number charts. Lucas showed different ways to solve several worded problems and was courageous enough to try new strategies. Well done Lucas!
1CAmaan SFor his fantastic efforts in making interesting contributions during our classroom discussions this week and ensuring he has been listening respectfully to others who are doing the same. Great job Amaan, keep it up!
1DArlo SFor always putting in your best effort during independent reading time. Arlo you are a great role model and always try your best to use decoding and comprehension strategies.
3AQuinn DFor working hard toward your maths and writing goals this week. Quinn, you’re able to take on feedback to progress your skills and understanding in writing, such as using a range of strategies to spell unfamiliar words. You never give up! I can’t wait to see what goals you reach by the end of this term.
3BEmran SFor being a valued, kind and respectful member of 3B. Emran, it has been a pleasure being your teacher this year! You show maturity in the way you interact with others and bring fun and happiness to the people around you. I have heard great feedback this week, keep up the great work mate! 
3CGeorgia GFor writing a well structured and convincing persuasive text incorporating many different persuasive techniques. Keep up the excellent work Georgia, well done! 
3DMillicent BFor participating enthusiastically in our Socratic discussions during our reading lessons. Well done Millicent and keep on working hard on your reading goals! 
4AIsabella AFor always trying your best in all areas of your learning. You consistently look for ways to extend yourself, especially in our Maths lessons. You have settled so well into 4A and confidently share your ideas in our class discussions. Well done Isabella!
4BThomas FFor always modeling the Wembley Values and consistently displaying persistence, hard work and dedication to all areas of his learning. Thomas, you are such a wonderful role model to your peers. We are so lucky to have you in 4B!
4CMilla DFor being a role model for inclusion in our class. You always show great empathy through your dedication to making sure that those around you feel happy, safe and included by others. We are lucky to have you in 4C Milla, you are a star!
4DAlex KFor trying really hard to include detail in your work! You have been trying really hard to pay attention to the little things with all areas of your learning and it really shows. As a result, you've been able to improve your reading and writing so much. Thank you for having the most amazing attitude towards your learning, listening to feedback and trying your best to keep improving!
5AJensen MFor showing a great drive to learn about decimals in our maths lessons, and putting his knowledge to practice in a variety of tasks. Great work, Jensen. Keep it up!
5BHudson SFor making positive choices in the classroom and for your excellent effort with your learning. Keep up the great work Hudson!
5CDamon TFor being a Wembley role model. You are a dedicated student who always strives to improve. I have been so impressed by your willingness to support younger students at lunch and recess. Congratulations Damon on an inspirational year!
5/6AKobi CFor her persistence and application of the 6+1 Traits of Writing. Kobi has shown a willingness to ask questions and apply this feedback to improve her writing. She has also shown an increased confidence in the belief within herself and towards her learning. Keep up that growth mindset! 
6ACharlie AFor your consistent effort in demonstrating the Wembley school values inside of the classroom. Charlie, your insights, behaviour and efforts in the classroom is valued highly. Well done, and keep up the great work!
6BLuis CFor your efforts in your Orders of Operations goal work this week. You are showing your understanding by working step-by-step. Keep up the great work!
6CErin TFor achieving your goals in maths. Erin, you have really challenged yourself and used a growth mindset when approaching new tasks. Keep it up legend!



Student Newsletter acknowledgements


We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.