Secondary Sub School Rooms 19 - 27

Linda Wakeling


This fortnight I had the chance of visiting Brite with Room 24 students. Brite Industries offers some of our Year 11 and 12 students the chance to visit a warehouse site to learn work place skills. On Friday we were working on an assembly line to put parts of telephones into small bags and then packing them into the boxes. Students learn about assembly line, working with others, quality checking and using the specialised scales to count how many items are in a box before it was sealed. This term we have students from Rooms 20, 23, 24, 25 and 26. Our students have really enjoyed visiting Brite. 


Coffee Cart has been running again this term. Our staff highly value this program and appreciate getting some yummy coffees each week. The students have learnt skills such as grinding beans and measuring them out, heating and frothing milk, making cappuccinos and lattes and hot chocolates. These are great skills for our students to learn and then take into possible future jobs in the community. 


I enjoy visiting the secondary classrooms each day for my daily check in. It is great to see a variety of morning circles, movement breaks and classes happening when I drop in. Room 22 have been loving 'just dance' in the morning it's great to come in and see them all taking turns to choose songs and having a dance. This helps them all regulate before settling down for work.  Room 21 students like to use a variety of ways to help them regulate and get ready for the day. Some of the students enjoy sensory activities such as water, bubbles or beads while other colour in or draw. The students also love using the science kits to build small remote control vehicles and other small robots. 


There are many things happening up in secondary each week and its great to see how engaged all of the students are in the programs. A big thank you to the staff who help make this happen each week. 


































































Room 20 students have been learning all about using public transport with challenges being set to use the PTV app or website to find their way to various locations. 

We have enjoyed delicious breads at the A1Bakery in Brunswick, Fish and Chips at De’Lish Fish in Port Melbourne, a variety of sights and smells at the Footscray market and various activities at Melbourne Central.

Students continue to do well with their work and training in their School Based Apprenticeship and Training program and VET qualifications in Outdoor Recreation and Music Industries. 

During Term 2 students were given the opportunity to demonstrate that they have the “Courage to care” when we explored the work done by ‘Edgars Mission’ and the ‘RSPCA’. Information about our rights at work was presented to students by ‘The Young Workers Centre’ and have also been discussed during our Work Related Skills program. This term we are focusing on Personal Health and wellbeing and are spending alternate weeks at the gym and in the schools kitchen preparing and enjoying healthy food options.