Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill


To our wonderful community, I hope the last few weeks have been kind to you! We have certainly been busy at school, setting new goals and doing lots of learning and growing. You may have already spoken to your child’s classroom teacher regarding the successes of the last two terms during your SSG. For others, you may have these scheduled for the coming weeks. SSG’s are a great opportunity to discuss past goal success as well as discuss potential future goals. This includes long term goals, that is, goals that you may like to see your child achieve spanning across 2 or even 3 years. Teachers have loved the opportunity to hear what you see for your child going forward, so that they can implement strategies day to day that are going to get your child that one step closer! If you haven’t already booked in an SSG I would strongly encourage you to do so, as these are crucial in ensuring both yourself and your child’s classroom teacher and education support staff can work in partnership with you.


Canine Comprehension

We have been lucky enough to have Norma, a four legged friend, join us every Thursday to spend some time talking about emotions alongside some of our students. Norma has been helping students in developing their familiarity with dogs- how they show their emotions and what to look out for when approaching an unknown dog. Dogs and humans are in fact very similar!



Our classrooms take turns in being responsible for overseeing the fortnightly assembly. This is uploaded to Seesaw for you to view. You may like to ‘heart’ or leave a comment on this- I know students would love to hear your positive feedback regarding how wonderfully they have done!

As always, please utilise your child’s communication book to remain connected with your child’s teacher. This book is where any key information can be relayed between school and home, supporting the homeschool partnership.


I hope you have had a wonderful few weeks and an even better few weeks ahead!

Room 10

Room 10 have enjoyed a fantastic and busy start to Term 3. In humanities, we have been learning about the seven seasons of the Kulin nation. Students have worked extra hard in mathematics learning about strategies to solve subtraction equations. In the kitchen, students have made flatbread and tried the dips. During gardening, we have helped keep the plants healthy by watering them and pulling them out when ready. In literacy, students have worked on conversation skills, refining handwriting, and reading and interpreting picture books. Students have practised implementing strategies to help get ready for learning including doing quiet activities and focussing on saying how we feel. A highlight so far has been filming the assembly with Room18. Well done on a great start to Term 3 Room 10!