Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1
- Alex for caring and playing well with others.
- Esa for improvement with his reading skills.
Room 2
- Ransher for doing a great job eating his lunch.
- Jeremy for making good choices in the playground.
Room 3
- Valentino has demonstrated he can use a timer and visual to support his transitions.
- Scarlett has demonstrated she can communicate ‘yes’ or ‘no’ with the support of a communication board.
Room 4
- Mabior has shown improvement in being able to follow his mini schedule and really enjoys a variety of tasks such as drawing with chalk and tracing his letters. Well done Mabior!
- Emjay has shown improvement during eating time by sitting in his chair to have his snack and lunch. Emjay has also made an effort to pat and interact with George during our Canine Comprehension program. Well done, Emjay.
Room 5
- William - for fantastic improvement in his reading and sounding out words.
- Putin - for showing more confidence at school and initiative in the classroom.
Room 6
- Aarjav for his amazing drawings of the animal characters from the stories read in class.
- Aria for using the communication book to make a request.
Room 7
- Ethan – speaking nicely
- Kiaan – Great reading
Room 8
- Aidan for doing his work independently and being kind to his classmates.
- Sebastian for using his device to communicate with his friends and teacher during morning circle.
Room 9
- Tej for settling well back into Room 9 classroom routines and including others in his play
- Rafael for trying his best to participate in classroom activities and transition around the school