10th Birthday Celebration

During the Open Day celebration a timeline of the development of the school was presented to the gathering. Some parents requested that we share this with the whole community. So parts of the presentation and the narrative will be shared in the news letter.
This weeks theme is 2018.
Music was taken in the classroom by the roaming music teacher who wheeled her trolley of instrument all over the school. We were fortunate to eventually secure a relocatable building we could dedicate to music and performing arts.
Official opening of music room with Choir.
Students started with work experience as school bus monitors assist staff with gate and bus duty daily.
Some have been very reliable and values members of the bus loop team
The year of MARY POPPINS.
The Music Teacher and Lisa Sette spent house auditioning students, coaching the successful student and consistent rehearsing. It was a great effort.
Stage Props were made by Vet students as part of their work.