Principal's News Flash

Corinne Pupillo
Dear parents, carers and friends of the school community,
Term 3 is now in full swing and we've been experiencing positive shifts in school attendance. This demonstrates that students are keen to come to school and engage in their individual education program and school programs. Mondays seems to be our highest student attendance and I can see that across the weeks the attendance is improving which enables our teaching teams to have the most significant impact on teaching and learning.
The Careers Expo last Thursday was extremely well attended and also demonstrated that students in secondary school are super keen to have autonomy in their post school destination. Thank you to all the stall holders, families and staff that made the event a huge success.
Student Support Group meetings are underway this week and the next two weeks. It's been lovely to see so many families engaged in their child's learning and great conversations between parents / carers and staff.
Virtual School Tour
Our virtual school tour is now live on our school website. Please check it out and refer any members of the community to our page.
Our next PUPIL FREE Days are:
Monday 21 August: where teachers will be collaborating and planning and education support staff will have a range of professional learning activities planned.
Monday 4 September - Expert Facilitator, Sheila Bollard will be providing an overview of Restorative Practices as well as working with staff to design our student engagement plan. The partnership with Real Schools commenced in 2022 and we are now in our second year of the program.
School Council Meeting was held last night and a number of motions were passed that are important to communicate to the community
- School Council Composition - School Council endorsed the motion to review the school composition from 12 to 11 due to the ongoing challenges with obtaining parent representatives. The revised School Council composition includes 6 parent reps, 3 Department of Education reps and 2 community members.
- ADVANCE Classes and Graduating Students Camp: 11 - 13 October 2023 [Forest Edge CYC Neerim East] was endorsed as a combined camp in 2023 due to lower student numbers in these two cohorts.
As part of the policy review cycle, the following policies were endorsed by School Council last night.
- Victorian Pathways Certificate Policy
- Anaphylaxis Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Consultative Policy
- Personal Mobile Phone Policy
- Privacy Policy
The next School Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 7 September @ 5.30pm
School Council Sub-Committee Representatives
- Finance Sub Committee Representative - Mark Mansfield
- Building and Grounds Sub Committee Representative – Denise Clarke
- Fundraising Sub Committee Representative – Lisa Sette
- School Council Representative on Student Representative Council (SRC)
Reminder: Our newsletter is published each fortnight and will provide you with important information about the school and events that may be of interest to you. I encourage you to read the newsletter that will be sent home via your home email, on the school's Facebook Page or on the school's website.
JSA also has a Facebook and Instagram Page. Please like and follow our pages.
Unwell Students
Each morning when students are getting ready for school, I ask that you be mindful of how your child is presenting. If they/he/she is feeling/looking/acting unusual or is complaining of being unwell please take them to the doctor. Minimising the cross-infection will assist in reducing the risk of spreading bugs and viruses.
All student absences can be made through the dedicated student absence notification number. Text the student's name, room number and reason for absence.
Make sure you have the student absence notification number saved in your contacts:
Student absence line: 0439 114 197
Student absence line: 0439 114 197