Principal's News

Mrs Gabrielle Espenschied 

Dear Parents,


Congratulations to students and teachers in  Years 3-6 on a wonderful effort at the Parish Sports last Thursday. It was such a wonderful community day and I thank all of the parents for coming along to support our students. Thank you to all staff involved in leading the event, especially James and Lisa.


Days like our Parish Athletics are so important for our kids to shine, use their learning powers and dispositions and use our school’s tool kit to ensure they are ready and able to compete for their team. 


Go Aussies!  What a great effort from the Matilda's - talk about dispositions! These girls had complete control of thinking, solving problems, collaborating, being strategic, changing and adapting, and being innovative. This term, we are focusing on the dispositions and learning powers our students require to flourish. We use the ELLI dimension learning powers and dispositions to ensure our students are developing their ability to cope with any learning task that they engage with. The four ELLI dispositions of resourcefulness, resilience, reflection and reciprocity are all in action in sport, Wakakirri and our daily learning.


Aistear defines dispositions as ‘enduring habits of mind and action. A disposition is the tendency to respond to situations in characteristic ways’ 

(Aistear, 2009, p.54). 

  • A child’s disposition to learning affects the attitude with which they learn. 
  • Learning dispositions directly affect the effort that students are willing to put in. 
  • Positive learning dispositions go a long way to creating positive learning outcomes.

The slide show below outlines the learning powers and dispositions and includes a continuum from Prep to 6.


Dispositions and Learning Powers



Congratulations to our amazing 1/2 learning community on a beautiful prayer service honouring Mary MacKillop last Friday. The students showed such confidence and respect and we were so proud of all their efforts. 


The following messages are great reminders of how we can follow in the footsteps of Mary MacKillop: never seeing a need without taking action.


Care for each other! 

Treat each other fairly! 

Be helpful! 

Speak kind words!

Be respectful! 

Be compassionate! 

Be inspiring! 

See a need and take action.


Finally, we will be sending home the MACS opinion survey in the next couple of weeks and we would appreciate all families completing the survey to give us feedback on our wonderful school.


Yours in Partnership,

